Author: Sayed Hemeda

An Integrated Geophysical and Geotechnical Assessment of Hazards Around The Abu Serga Church

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $108
Printed Copy: US $78
Library License: US $236
ISBN: 978-981-4998-73-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-4998-72-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97898149987271210101


The Abu Serga Church is one of the oldest known Coptic churches in Egypt, with a history of almost 1700 years. This reference work presents a comprehensive geotechnical and geophysical survey of the vicinity of the Abu Serga Church. The book details the information of the survey using classical and modern methods of geotechnical engineering while keeping contemporary issues faced by site investigators in view. Chapters provide the data of the church site while covering topics of interest to students such as seismic analysis, 3-D modeling and historical preservation principles. Advanced methods of interest to engineers such as mathematical analysis using finite element methods are also covered.

This work provides key data about the Abu Sega Church site and is of interest to scholars and engineers involved in conservation engineering of architectural heritage (or built heritage), as well as readers interested in church studies.


- Pp. i
Sayed Hemeda*
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Introduction and Scope of Work

- Pp. 1-3 (3)
Sayed Hemeda*

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Determining the S-Wave Velocity by Using Refraction Microtremors Technique

- Pp. 4-20 (17)
Sayed Hemeda*

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Electrical Resistivity Imaging for Investigating Aquifer Properties

- Pp. 21-36 (16)
Sayed Hemeda*

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Regional Seismic Hazard Analysis for Abu Serga Church

- Pp. 37-50 (14)
Sayed Hemeda*

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Seismic Hazard Analysis Theory and Methodology

- Pp. 51-58 (8)
Sayed Hemeda*

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Seismic Hazard Results for Abu Serga Church

- Pp. 59-81 (23)
Sayed Hemeda*

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Soil and Structure Response for Abu Serga Church

- Pp. 82-92 (11)
Sayed Hemeda*

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Ground Penetrating Radar for Archeological Investigation

- Pp. 93-114 (22)
Sayed Hemeda*

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Design Response Spectrum for Abu Serga Church

- Pp. 115-125 (11)
Sayed Hemeda*

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3D Finite Element Coupled Analysis Model for Geotechnical and Complex Structural Problems of Historic Masonry Structures: Conservation of Abu Serga Church, Cairo, Egypt

- Pp. 126-153 (28)
Sayed Hemeda*

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- Pp. 154-160 (7)
Sayed Hemeda
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- Pp. 161-166 (6)
Sayed Hemeda*
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Subject Index

- Pp. 167-172 (6)
Sayed Hemeda*
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.The First Mariners.