Editor: Asis Bala

Diabetes and Breast Cancer: An Analysis of Signaling Pathways

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $84
Printed Copy: US $59
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-981-5256-03-1 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5256-02-4 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152560241240101


Diabetes and Breast Cancer: An Analysis of Signaling Pathways an in-depth monograph that explores the cross-talk between diabetes and breast cancer. The edited volume sheds light on the complex relationship between the two diseases by explaining the critical regulatory signaling in their progression.

Topics covered in the book include the genetic similarities between type 2 diabetes and breast cancer, signaling pathways for breast cancer cell invasion and migration (including fat cadherin, Wnt signaling and IGF signaling).and research on associated conditions such as neuropathy, inflammation, hypoxia and obesity. A summary of natural

Scholars, academicians, and professionals in medicine and pharmaceutical research who want to gain a better understanding of the complex interplay between diabetes and breast cancer will learn about the underlying biochemical mechanisms, the pharmacological targets, and the pharmacogenomics and precision medicine approaches for the simultaneous management of both diseases

Key Features

  • - Gives a comprehensive overview of the cross-talk between diabetes and breast cancer
  • - Covers information on multiple signaling pathways and associated conditions
  • - Provides insights contributed by biomedical experts with detailed references


Research scholars, academicians, healthcare professionals (endocrinologists, oncologists, internal medicine specialists) and R&D professionals in pharmaceutical chemistry.


I am happy to introduce Dr Asis BALA, a valued scientist, for his book on “Diabetes and Breast Cancer: An Analysis of Signaling Pathways”, which is a real advancement in the field.

Prof. Didier JAMBOU, MD, PhD

Laboratoire d'Hematologie
Nice University and UNCA