Editors: Shiza Malik, Yasir Waheed, Maham Khan, Tahreem Zaheer, Bakhtawar Sahar

In Memory of Ethics: A Dissection of Ethical and Social Issues in Pakistani Professional Healthcare Practice

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $96
Printed Copy: US $71
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-981-5223-86-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5223-85-9 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/9789815223859124010001


In Memory of Ethics: A Dissection of Ethical and Social Issues in Pakistani Professional Healthcare Practice explores the ethical challenges faced within the healthcare sector with a focus on Pakistan. From workplace behaviors to medical procedures, COVID-19 era dilemmas, and broader social health concerns, the book explores the intricate intersection of ethics and healthcare in the region.

The book is divided into five sections. Section I covers topics such as workplace behaviors and ethical conducts while section II covers medical procedures, and patient-doctor relationships. Section III addresses the unique ethical challenges brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, including guidelines for therapists and the ethics of mandatory vaccinations. Section IV examines the impact of social media on healthcare, gender discrimination, and the ethical considerations surrounding prisoner rehabilitation. The final section offers insightful essays on ethical and social Issues, covering topics like body shaming, free healthcare, and patient privacy. The editors also explore controversial topics, including euthanasia, abortion, and assisted reproductive technology.

The key feature of this book is that it provides a comprehensive coverage of diverse ethical dilemmas in healthcare. Furthermore, it is an attempt to give a subjective understanding of healthcare ethics through thought-provoking essays shedding light on contemporary ethical issues in a Pakistani context. The contributors have incorporated real-world examples and case studies to illustrate ethical principles in action.

In Memory of Ethics: A Dissection of Ethical and Social Issues in Pakistani Professional Healthcare Practice book is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding complex ethical and social issues and promoting integrity in healthcare practices.


Healthcare professionals, ethicists, policymakers, educators, and general readers


In the complex and interconnected world of healthcare, ethics plays a pivotal role in guiding the actions and decisions of individuals and institutions. This book delves into the intricate web of ethical dilemmas and moral quandaries that permeate the healthcare sector, offering a comprehensive exploration of issues that span from the patient's bedside to the corporate boardroom, from the laboratory bench to the therapist's office.

This book specifically presents an overview of different ethical issues within the medical, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and healthcare industries. In addition, some of the general ethical issues of society have been discussed with a view of how they directly or indirectly affect the psychological development and mental health of society. The writers have tried to gather ethical issues with a special focus on third-world countries, including Pakistan, where resources are immense, yet their utilization is meager and unsatisfactory to the needs of a large-scale population.

The book contains a variety of sections, subsections and chapters, each representing a different issue, yet they are all connected to the overall debilitating healthcare system and the enervating professional ethical outcomes. Some sections indicate theoretical approaches to healthcare management and ethical concerns. A slight focus has also been given to religious views to govern the moral aspects within the scope of ethical behaviors.

The chapters have been meticulously crafted to reveal the profound connections and coherence that bind them together, painting a vivid tapestry of ethical challenges and considerations that professionals, policymakers, and society at large must confront. A total of four subsections are included in the first section that includes categories such as workplace ethics, medical procedural ethics, COVID era, ethics and lastly, the social and ethical issues. More specifically, the first chapter, ‘Healthcare Sector Fraud and Corruption’, elaborates our journey that begins with an examination of the dark underbelly of the healthcare sector, where financial improprieties and corruption can undermine patient care and public trust.

The chapter, Unethical Decision-Making in the Workplace, revolves around psychological issues and ethics. Ethical decision-making is not confined to healthcare. We delve into the psychological factors that can drive unethical behavior in the workplace. Then comes the chapter The Ethical Dilemma Behind Dishonesty in the Medical Profession that allows us to delve deeper. We scrutinize the moral tensions that can arise within the medical profession, challenging the principles of honesty and integrity. The spotlight then shifts to the pharmaceutical industry, where we uncover the ethical lapses that can occur in the quest for profit and innovation. We highlight workplace harassment that emerges as a critical ethical issue with profound implications for both individual well-being and corporate responsibility. In the next chapter, the sacred bond between patients and doctors is examined, with a focus on the ethical implications of withholding medical information.

Then, the second subsection begins with medical procedural ethics from financial fraud. We transition to the ethically murky waters of human experimentation, exploring the historical and contemporary dilemmas surrounding the use of radiation on humans. Then begins the contentious debate surrounding euthanasia and the right to die with dignity takes center stage, highlighting the ethical complexities of end-of-life decisions. In the chapter, Building upon the euthanasia debate, we explore the ethical considerations surrounding physician-assisted suicide, an increasingly relevant topic in modern healthcare. Shifting gears, we navigate the uncharted territory of assisted reproductive technology, dissecting the ethical dilemmas that arise in the context of surrogacy. Our exploration continues into the world of in vitro fertilization, where we analyze the ethical issues surrounding conception and parenthood. Then, the ethical boundaries of clinical trials in vulnerable populations are brought into sharp focus, raising critical questions about justice and exploitation. Furthermore, the age-old debate over abortion resurfaces, offering a fresh perspective on the ethical implications of reproductive rights. We also highlight the juxtaposition of embryo rights and women's autonomy in reproductive choices, pitting moral status against moral agency. The book then ventures into the realm of science fiction as we contemplate the ethical implications of human cloning and genetic experimentation.

The third section delves deeper into the COVID-19 pandemic era and the associated ethical concerns in the wake of the global pandemic. We address the ethical challenges faced by therapists and counselors as they adapt to the changing landscape of mental healthcare. Moreover, the ethical dilemma of mandatory vaccinations during the COVID-19 pandemic is scrutinized, highlighting the balance between public health and individual rights. The fourth subsection focuses on social ethics, where our examination of the modern age takes a turn toward the digital realm as we explore the ethical challenges posed by social media's influence on healthcare. The far-reaching effects of ethical lapses in journalism are examined, illustrating the media's power to shape public perception and mental health. Additionally, gender discrimination is dissected, shedding light on the psychological and ethical underpinnings of inequality in society. We conclude our exploration by delving into the misuse of authority, assessing its impact on health, and highlighting the ethical imperative to rectify such abuses.

Throughout these chapters, we will navigate the intricate ethical terrain that underlies the multifaceted world of healthcare. Each topic not only stands on its own but also forms a vital thread in the larger tapestry of ethical considerations that define the healthcare landscape. We invite you to embark on this journey, where ethical questions are explored, debated, and illuminated, ultimately guiding us toward a more conscientious and compassionate future in healthcare and beyond.

In the last section, some essays have been compiled to advance the knowledge pertaining to ethical problems of society in general and of healthcare in particular. The purpose is to make the authorities and healthcare professionals aware in terms of reminders to follow and formulate rules, regulations, and duties implicit in their work environment aligned to their social behavior. It has also been attempted to educate the general public regarding malpractices and unethical deviations that they may get involved in accidentally or intentionally, as well as the serious consequences these practices can have on individuals and society.

On a wider level, this book will enable the readers to have a much better understanding of various peculiar ethical concerns within the healthcare industry and the righteous accounts that should be practiced to make a better and ethically sound professional standing. After reading this book, students in the fields of medicine, healthcare, biotechnology, pharmacy, and healthcare management will be able to comprehend a more comprehensive understanding of the importance of ethical practices in their relevant fields.

Shiza Malik
Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB)
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
Air University; and Bridging Health Foundation
44000, Islamabad

Yasir Waheed
Office of Research, Innovation, and Commercialization (ORIC)
Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University (SZABMU)
Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan
Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine
Lebanese American University
Byblos (1401), Lebano

Maham Khan
Department of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
Virgnia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
24060, USA

Tahreem Zaheer
Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB)
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
44000, Islamabad


Bakhtawar Sahar
Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB)
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
44000, Islamabad