Editors: Prakash M. Halami, Aravind Sundararaman

Genome Editing in Bacteria (Part 2)

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $108
Printed Copy: US $78
Library License: US $236
ISBN: 978-981-5223-80-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5223-79-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152237981240101


This reference is a comprehensive review of genome editing in bacteria. The multi-part book meticulously consolidates research findings and insights on the applications of bacteria across several industries, including food processing and pharmaceutical development. The book covers four overarching themes for readers: a historical perspective of genome editing, genome editing in probiotics, applications of genome editing in agricultural microbiology and genetic engineering in environmental microbiology. The editors have also compiled chapters that provide an in-depth analysis of gene regulation and metabolic engineering through genome editing tools for specific bacteria.

Key topics in part 2:

  • - Targeting pathogenic microbes for plants and animals using CRISPR-CAS
  • - Genome editing microbes to improve crop yield plant growth for sustainable agriculture
  • - Applications of genome editing for bioremediation
  • - Microbial genome editing for environmental bioprocessing
  • - Genetic engineering for methanotrophs
  • - Genome engineering in Cyanobacteria
  • - Genome editing in Streptomyces

Genome Editing in Bacteria is a definitive reference for scholars, researchers and industry professionals navigating the forefront of bacterial genomics.


Scholars and professionals interested in bacterial genomics.


In the vast landscape of scientific exploration, genetic engineering stands as a beacon illuminating pathways in both basic research and industrial biotechnology. At its heart lie metabolic and genomic manipulations that coax microorganisms to yield invaluable products, sparking innovations that redefine possibilities.

The saga of genetic inquiry into microorganisms hinges upon accessibility to their genomes and the arsenal of molecular tools at our disposal. Early genetic methods for genome editing in bacterial species, rooted in culture and transformation, were painstakingly laborious, often reliant on introducing resistance markers that hindered the pursuit of precise edits such as single amino acid mutations.

Yet, the tide turned with the groundbreaking discovery of CRISPR-Cas technology, unraveling the adaptive immune system of prokaryotes and unfurling vistas of targeted genetic engineering in these organisms. In this tome, we delve into the cutting edge gene editing, exploring diverse strategies employed in prokaryotic genetic manipulation.

This book embarks on a journey that traverses historical perspectives of genome editing, its application in probiotics, and its relevance in agricultural and environmental microbiology. It endeavors to consolidate and update the compendium of knowledge and research in bacterial applications across industries like food and pharmaceuticals, illuminating gene regulation for metabolic engineering through genome editing tools.

Our heartfelt gratitude extends to the esteemed contributing authors who embraced our call to enrich this compendium. Each chapter bears the mark of dedication and expertise, a testament to their profound contributions to bacteriology and molecular biology.

The Bentham Science Group's commitment to publication has facilitated the realization of this comprehensive endeavor, offering a resource intended for researchers, students, teachers, scientists, and enterprising minds intrigued by bacterial metabolic engineering.

In the vast ocean of scientific literature, this book, "Gene Editing in Bacteria," stands as a pioneering compilation, weaving together diverse applications of bacteria across the tapestry of biotechnology.

I dedicate this book to the pioneers of indigenous knowledge in molecular biology and genetic engineering. They not only laid the foundation for an ocean of knowledge but also kindled the flame that propels our relentless pursuit of understanding genome editing techniques in bacteria.

Prakash M. Halami
Department of Microbiology and Fermentation Technology
CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute

Academy of Scientific and Innovative
Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad
Uttar Pradesh


Aravind Sundararaman
Department of Microbiology and Fermentation Technology
CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute