Editor: Vinay Deep Punetha

2D Materials: Chemistry and Applications (Part 1)

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $101
Printed Copy: US $71
Library License: US $236
ISBN: 978-981-5223-68-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5223-67-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152236751240101


2D Materials: Chemistry and Applications offers a concise exploration of the revolutionary 2D materials synthesis, their properties, and diverse applications. It presents information about graphene and other 2D materials like germanene and stanene, emphasizing their synthesis, functionalization, and technological use.

The book chapters in part 1 cover the foundational aspects of graphene's structure and production techniques, highlighting their potential in areas like energy storage, drug delivery, and nanoelectronics. The book also explains the versatile applications of graphene-based nanocomposites, highlighting their multifunctional capabilities.

Chapters also demonstrate the impact of functionalization on applications like biomedical imaging, microbial control, and environmental sustainability. The challenges and solutions concerning the toxicity of graphene-related materials are also highlighted.

This book is a foundational resource for researchers, academics, and industry professionals in materials science, nanotechnology, chemistry, and environmental engineering on 2D materials.


Researchers, academics, and industry professionals in the field of materials sciences and applied chemistry.


- Pp. i-ii (2)
Vinay Deep Punetha
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iii-iv (2)

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Graphene: Understanding its Structure, Synthesis, and Functionalization

- Pp. 1-31 (31)
Vinay Deep Punetha*, Anton Kuzmin, Golnaz Taghavi Pourian Azar

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Hybrid Materials of Graphene and Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Emerging Applications

- Pp. 32-57 (26)
Rabia Rehman, Junaid Ali*, Saira Arif, Sohaila Anam, Waqar Mahmood, Gul Naz

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Harnessing Graphene-Based Nanocomposites for Multifunctional Applications

- Pp. 58-102 (45)
Rabia Munir, Junaid Ali*, Saira Arif, Shahid Aziz

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Graphene-Based Gene and Drug Delivery Systems Innovations and Applications

- Pp. 103-127 (25)
Kashish Azeem, Shalini Bhatt*, Rakshit Pathak, M. Tahir Siddiqui

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Graphene and its Derivatives: A Potential Solution for Microbial Control

- Pp. 128-158 (31)
Ghina Ashfaq, Junaid Ali*, Saira Arif*, Memoon Sajid, Gul Hassan, Ahmed Shuja Syed

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The Role of Graphene in Revolutionizing Biomedical Imaging Techniques

- Pp. 159-182 (24)
Shalini Bhatt*, Neha Faridi, Ankur Agarwal

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Recent Advances in Graphene-Based Materials for Application in Cancer Therapy

- Pp. 183-208 (26)
Viral Patel*, Tejal Mehta, Mithun Singh Rajput, Ravish Patel, Kartik Hariharan

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2D Graphene for Tissue Engineering Advances and Perspectives

- Pp. 209-227 (19)
Pragati Singh, Shalini Bhatt*, Neha Faridi, Lokesh Kumar Gangwar

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The Promise and Potential of Graphene Derivatives in Biotechnology

- Pp. 228-251 (24)
Aakanksha Wany*, Sharmistha Banerjee, Anish Kumar Sharma, Vinay Deep Punetha

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Subject Index

- Pp. 252-257 (6)
Vinay Deep Punetha
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