Editors: Grigory M. ARISTARKHOV, Yuri V. GULYAEV, Valery F. DMITRIEV, Vyacheslav V. KOMAROV, Valery P. MESHCHANOV, Kirill V. ZAICHENKO

Modern Radio Signals Filtering Devices Methods, Technologies & Structures

eBook: US $79 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $145
Printed Copy: US $105
Library License: US $316
ISBN: 978-981-5196-51-1 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5196-50-4 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2023
DOI: 10.2174/97898151965041240101


This comprehensive book covers spectral analysis theory for radio signals and innovative devices designed for filtering electromagnetic waves across diverse frequency ranges. The book features 14 chapters that explain the working of devices utilizing surface and bulk acoustic waves. The chapters provide insights into acousto-optical and acousto-electronic Fourier processors' design principles, description methods, and characteristics. The inclusion of algorithms for multi-channel frequency discriminators enhances the precision of radio signal frequency measurements, ensuring stability in tracking frequency meters amidst intense interference.

The book also includes mathematical modeling and experimental studies of waveguide microwave filters and X-band multiplexers, specifically tailored for non-pressurized radio electronic equipment in space communication systems. Notably, the book introduces readers to a compelling alternative to conventional filters: 2-D periodic structures in the form of thin perforated metal meshes that offer compact solutions for millimeter and sub-millimeter wave systems.

A significant portion of the book is dedicated to the development of highly selective microstrip filters, incorporating complex topological structures with limited resonators and numerous couplings. This approach allows for the formation of numerous attenuation poles at finite frequencies, facilitating the achievement of high electrical parameters and compact filter sizes.

Engineers and scientists specializing in communication systems design and analog Fourier processors will find a wealth of well-established and original solutions within this book.


Communications engineers and technicians who require an understanding of modern radio signal filtering devices and technologies.


Development of devices for filtering and spectral processing of radio signals has an exceptional influence on modern radio engineering systems, since they largely determine their technical characteristics and the efficiency of using the frequency resource. They provide possibility to select useful radio signals against the background of natural and artificial interference and other types of interfere influences, to perform real-time analysis of signal parameters. Improvement of effective filters and spectral analysis devices is one of the fundamental tasks in the design of modern radio engineering systems. The significant part of the book is devoted to devices for filtering and spectral analysis of radio signals on surface and bulk acoustic waves. In addition, the common directions of improving surface acoustic waves filters are considered.

In most cases, the ultimate goal of various applications of radio signals spectral processing is frequency selection and frequency measurement of signals. This book as a whole is devoted to solving not only this urgent and complex problem, but it also presents original methods of frequency selection and frequency measurements.

The materials of the book are very useful in the process of mastering modern technologies for communication systems and spectral analysis element base. In particular, it presents the results of mathematical modeling and experimental studies of waveguide microwave filters and output multiplexers of space communication systems made on rectangular and circular waveguides. The processes of electromagnetic waves scattering in metal frequency-selective structures are also studied. Finally, the monograph examines new principles for designing compact microstrip filters with increased frequency selectivity. Such wide range of issues will be interesting to students, experts and scientists who are engaged in development and design of filters and other microwave devices.

Vladimir A. Cherepenin
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Department of Physics,
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia