Editors: Antonio Tiezzi, Elisa Ovidi, Tomasz M. Karpiński

New Findings from Natural Substances

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $119
Printed Copy: US $84
Library License: US $276
ISBN: 978-981-5051-43-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5051-42-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2022
DOI: 10.2174/97898150514211220101


New Findings from Natural Substances present the state-of-the-art and future prospects for the application of biomolecules in the pharmaceutical, agricultural, food and industrial sectors. The book presents eight reviews contributed by more than twenty experts on interesting natural substances, and plant sources, that serve as sources of natural remedies for a variety of ailments.

The reviews in the book cover the use of herbs like Heliotropium and Astragalus. Additional health benefits of extracts from essential oils, Caenorhabditis elegans, and olive oil, as well as the medicinal use of rosmarinic acid and hydrolates. The contributions highlight a range of pharmacological agents from natural sources that have anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective and neuroprotective effects.

The contents are presented in a simple and organized style. The book will broaden the knowledge about biological products for a variety of readers – generalists, students and researchers, alike.

Audience: Readers of all levels – generalists, students and researchers, interested in ethnopharmacology and traditional medicine.


- Pp. i-iii (3)
Giancarlo Statti
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- Pp. iv
Antonio Tiezzi, Elisa Ovidi, Tomasz M. Karpiński
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List of Contributors

- Pp. v-vi (2)

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Heliotropium, an Ethnomedicinal Plant: Past and Present Uses

- Pp. 1-32 (32)
César Donoso-Fierro, José Becerra, Claudio Rojas-Leyton, Claudia Pérez*

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Essential Oils and their Chemical Constituents: The Potential Role in the Leukemic Diseases

- Pp. 33-80 (48)
Valentina Laghezza Masci, Elisa Ovidi*, Stefania Garzoli

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Insights into the Recent Application of Rosmarinic Acid in Therapy

- Pp. 81-103 (23)
Ilham Touiss*, Mahmoud A. Elfaky, Mohamed L. Ashour, Hicham Harnafi

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Plant-Derived Antimicrobial Compounds

- Pp. 104-115 (12)
Dilfuza Egamberdieva*, Dilfuza Jabborova

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LC-HR-MS Based Approach to Identify Triterpenes in Astragalus Species

- Pp. 116-132 (17)
Nilufar Z. Mamadalieva*, Hidayat Hussain

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The Use of the Nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans to Study Antioxidant and Longevity-Promoting Plant Secondary Metabolites

- Pp. 133-163 (31)
Mariana Roxo, Michael Wink*

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Olive Oil: A Natural Source of Benefits for Human Health

- Pp. 164-182 (19)
Fabio Mastrogiovanni*, Roberta Bernini, Antonio Tiezzi

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Hydrolates: Characteristics, Properties, and Potential Uses in the Food Industry

- Pp. 183-210 (28)
Diana De Santis*, Giovanni Turchetti

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Subject Index

- Pp. 211-220 (10)

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.Bioactive Compounds from Medicinal Plants for Cancer Therapy and Chemoprevention.
.Drug Addiction Mechanisms in the Brain.
.Medicinal Chemistry of Drugs Affecting Cardiovascular and Endocrine Systems.
.Software and Programming Tools in Pharmaceutical Research.