Authors: Sharique A. Ali, Naima Parveen

The Vertebrate Pigmentary System: From Pigment Cells to Disorders

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $126
Printed Copy: US $91
Library License: US $276
ISBN: 978-981-14-9156-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-9158-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97898114915801210101


The Vertebrate Pigmentary System: From pigment cells to Disorders provides readers with fundamental knowledge of the structural and functional aspects of vertebrate pigment cells - melanophores and melanocytes - from their origin to different stages of development to related diseases. Chapters of the book explain the specific regulatory receptors and markers, signaling pathways of skin melanocytes along with the diseases (hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation) in humans associated with their disruption. Concurrently, the etiologies of pigmentary disorders and the various therapeutic approaches for their treatment are presented in focused chapters of the book with updated information from recent publications. A summary of natural product based treatment for hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation rounds up the contents.

This reference is a basic guide for medical students and dermatology residents, and a handy source of information for students, researchers, academicians in the field of pigment cell biology, pharmacology and cosmetology.


- Pp. i-ii (2)
Sharique A. Ali, Naima Parveen
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Origin, Proliferation and Development of Vertebrate Pigment Cells-Melanophores and Melanocytes

- Pp. 1-13 (13)
Sharique A. Ali, Naima Parveen

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Melanophores and Smooth Muscles: A Comparative Perspective

- Pp. 14-22 (9)
Sharique A. Ali, Naima Parveen

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Melanogenesis: Mechanism and Factors Involved in Melanin Synthesis

- Pp. 23-39 (17)
Sharique A. Ali, Naima Parveen

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Alteration in Melanogenesis: Pigmentary Disorders and their Etiopathogenesis

- Pp. 40-56 (17)
Sharique A. Ali, Naima Parveen

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Prevalence of Pigmentary Disorders and their Impact on the Quality of Life

- Pp. 57-68 (12)
Sharique A. Ali, Naima Parveen

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Treatment and Therapies Available For Pigmentary Disorders

- Pp. 69-84 (16)
Sharique A. Ali, Naima Parveen

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Natural Product Based Treatment for Hypopigmentation

- Pp. 85-101 (17)
Sharique A. Ali, Naima Parveen

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Natural Product Based Treatment for Hyperpigmentation

- Pp. 102-119 (18)
Sharique A. Ali, Naima Parveen

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Role of Computational Tools to Evaluate Potent Tyrosinase Inhibitors used for the Treatment of Skin Hyperpigmentation

- Pp. 120-137 (18)
Sharique A. Ali, Naima Parveen

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A Preventive Approach to Hypopigmentation and Hyperpigmentation

- Pp. 138-149 (12)
Sharique A. Ali, Naima Parveen

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Subject Index

- Pp. 150-154 (5)
Sharique A. Ali, Naima Parveen
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.Common Lip Diseases: A Clinical Guide.
. Morphea and Related Disorders.
.Natural Products for Treatment of Skin and Soft Tissue Disorders.
.Natural Products for Skin Diseases: A Treasure Trove for Dermatologic Therapy.