Editor: Anna Capasso

Biologically Active Natural Products from Asia and Africa: A Selection of Topics

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $90
Printed Copy: US $65
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-981-14-8972-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-8974-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97898114897471210101


Both Asia and Africa are home to many plants that can be used for the treatment of many diseases and their medicinal properties are gaining interest in western societies. Medicinal plants from Asia and Africa are used for their healing abilities and also have a symbolic meaning in communities.

The importance of traditional autochthonous plant remedies plays a crucial role in the health of millions of people of these two continents. Even today, traditional medicine represents the dominant medical system for millions of people showing a significant impact on health care practices. Therefore, traditional operators still represent a vital part of regional healthcare systems. For this reason, pharmaceutical industries consider traditional medicine as a source for the identification of bioactive compounds that can be used in the preparation of synthetic drugs.

Biologically Active Natural Products from Asia and Africa: A Selection of Topics guides the reader to information about new natural products from these regions and the different ways to use them to treat or alleviate many of the most common diseases. The volume presents nine topics covering a number of facets of natural product medicine including:

- pharmaceutical analysis of anti-diabetic herbal medicines from Bangladesh and local retailers

- caffeine intake and the risk of female infertility

- pharmaceutical analysis of Urena sinuata (bur mallow)

- anti-CHIKV activities of diterpenes and their derivatives

- anti-inflammatory nanogel for the treatment of psoriasis

- antlithiatic properties of Moroccan medicinal plants

- ethnobotanic, phytochemical and biological activities of Aristolochia longa L. (pipevine)

- wound healing potential of combined extracts of stem bark and leaves of sphenocentrum jollyanum (an African shrub)

This is a handy reference for specialists and R&D experts in pharmaceutical chemistry who wish to be informed about current knowledge on developing natural remedies in Asia and Africa


- Pp. i
Anna Capasso
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List of Contributors

- Pp. ii-iii (2)
Anna Capasso
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Biological and Physical Contaminants in Anti- Diabetic Herbal Medicines of Bangladesh

- Pp. 1-14 (14)
Rausan Zamir, Nazmul Islam, Sunzid Ahmed, Md. Ali Asraf, Nikhil C. Bhoumik, Omar Faruque, Akhter Farooque

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Quantification and Health Safety Assessment of Some Toxic Metals in Anti-Diabetic Herbal Preparations Collected from Local Retailers Using the XRF Analytical Tool

- Pp. 15-24 (10)
Rausan Zamir, Nazmul Islam, Mahfuza Parveen, Shipra Sarker, Rajib Kanti, M. Safiur Rahman, Omar Faruque

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Caffeine Intake and the Risk of Female Primary Infertility: An Evidence-Based Case Report

- Pp. 25-36 (12)
A. Zaifar, E.N. Nabila, L.D. Vincent, N.M.P Kusuma, S.S.K. Nareswari, M. Louisa

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An Overview of Urena sinuata: Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Activities

- Pp. 37-45 (9)
Pranta Ray, Rajib Hossain, Md. Matiur Rahman, Muhammad Torequl Islam

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Anti-CHIKV Activities of Diterpenes and Their Derivatives

- Pp. 46-56 (11)
Muhammad Torequl Islam

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Design Development and Evaluation of Anti- Inflammatory Nanogel For The Treatment of Psoriasis

- Pp. 57-66 (10)
A.A. Yelmate, P. Gundewar, R.S. Moon

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Antilithiatic Properties of Moroccan Medicinal Plants and Mechanism Insights of their Phytochemicals

- Pp. 67-83 (17)
Aya Khouchlaa, Abdelhakim Bouyahya, M`hamed Tijane

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Ethnobotanic, Phytochemical, and Biological Activities of Aristolochia longa L.: A Review

- Pp. 84-105 (22)
Amina El Yahyaoui El Idrissi, Aya Khouchlaa, Abdelhakim Bouyahya, Mereym El Fessikh, Youssef Bakri, M`hamed Tijane

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Wound Healing Potential of Combined Extracts of Stem Bark and Leaves of Sphenocentrum Jollyanum: A Classical Factorial Design Model Approach

- Pp. 106-118 (13)
Charles O. Nnadi, Chinwe M. Onah, Chigozie L. Ugwu, Wilfred O. Obonga

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Subject Index

- Pp. 119-128 (10)
Anna Capasso
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.Software and Programming Tools in Pharmaceutical Research.