Author: Peter Hollands

Series Title: Medicine Demystified

The Regeneration Promise: The Facts behind Stem Cell Therapies

Volume 1

eBook: US $19 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $37
Printed Copy: US $27
Library License: US $76
ISSN: 2737-5056 (Print)
ISSN: 2737-5064 (Online)
ISBN: 978-981-14-8211-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-8213-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2020
DOI: 10.2174/97898114821371200101
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The Regeneration Promise is a reader-friendly guide to the world of regenerative medicine and stem cell technology. It covers the history of stem cell technology as a general introduction to the subject and then continues with a description of the many known types of stem cells and how these can potentially be used to treat disease. The author explains the pros and cons of using stem cell technology to treat patients in simple and factual terms throughout the book while clarifying many stem cell myths. There is valuable advice for people considering undergoing stem cell therapy and also for those who are considering stem cell storage such as umbilical cord blood storage at the birth of a baby. The book also covers information on current research in stem cell technology and how this may be useful in the clinic, as promising regenerative medicine treatments emerge in the near future. The simple use of language with a clear explanation of scientific terms, where applicable, makes this book an accessible source of information for anyone interested in enhancing their general knowledge about regenerative medicine when considering such treatment options and understanding the debate surrounding stem cell technology and its use in disease therapy.


The aim of this book is to bring a clear understanding and appreciation of stem cell technology and the related subject of regenerative medicine to everyone and especially to those people considering paying for stem cell therapy or stem cell related services. It avoids complex scientific terminology (or it is clearly and simply defined where needed) and develops ideas in a coherent and understandable fashion for the general reader.

The subject of stem cell technology and the related possible regenerative medicine procedures is an area of science and medicine where there is much confusion, often supported by unproven claims. There are currently many clinics offering stem cell ‘treatments’ which are driven by profit with no concern for the safety or well-being of the patient. There are untested and unproven stem cell based ‘treatments’ being offered to vulnerable patients around the globe and these are often sold at a very high price. If these ‘treatments’ were offered free of charge, it would still be scandalous behaviour by those offering such treatments because the ‘treatments’ are untested and unproven and could even pose a health risk to vulnerable, often terminally or acutely ill recipient patients.

The general public, who are the people most likely to consider, or to be offered stem cell-based therapies, in most instances often have little or no understanding of stem cell technology and put their trust in ‘clinic’ salesmen.

This is not the fault of the patients, it is the fault of those people who wish to draw such patients into a web of deceit.

The salesmen who represent the clinics often have no knowledge or formal training in stem cell technology at all and are all driven by profit. The result of this is that vulnerable patients, who may be suffering from life threatening or life changing diseases, are drawn into costly stem cell procedures which are at best unproven and could sometimes even be damaging rather than beneficial to their health. This must stop. This book will give everyone the knowledge to assess and reject such ‘treatments’ if they are inappropriate. Patients must be prepared to walk away if they have any doubts about the safety and efficacy of any proposed treatment and if a treatment does commence, it must always be under informed consent.

It is not just the general public and potential patients who need stem cell information. Many practising physicians have had little or no stem cell training in medical school, most journalists have no knowledge at all in the subject and politicians make life changing decisions on the use and availability of stem cell technology often based on a very poor level of understanding. The book will also be a useful resource to students both in school and University who want to begin their understanding of stem cell technology and become the stem cell pioneers of the future. Thorough training of our future physicians, scientists and businessmen in stem cell concepts will help resolve the problems we currently have in the clinical application of stem cell technology. The problem which we see today in stem cell technology, and the related regenerative medicine, is considerably magnified by the patient’s vulnerability, confusion, fear and blind trust in an atmosphere where the unwary can lose not only lots of money but also potentially their health.

The Regeneration Promise offers truly new and thorough insight into stem cell technology and it is written in a style that anyone can easily understand. There is no complex terminology (except where absolutely needed and if the terminology is used then it is carefully explained) and the stem cell concepts are described in a simple and accessible style that can be enjoyed and understood by all readers. The book is aimed at the general public, potential patients, physicians, students, journalists and anyone with a general interest in stem cell technology. No specialist knowledge is needed, and most importantly the information the book contains is evidence based and has no bias or hidden agenda. The Regeneration Promise is therefore a reliable and trusted point of reference for anyone either interested in stem cells or considering treatment using stem cells.


Not applicable.


The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise.


Declared none.

Peter Hollands
Freelance Consultant Clinical Scientist
Huntingdon, Cambs PE261LB


.Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research, Vol. 11.
.Stem Cells in Clinical Application and Productization.
.Stem Cell Delivery Routes: From Preclinical Models to Clinical Applications.