Editor: Atta-ur-Rahman

Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Diabetes and Obesity

Volume 6

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $126
Printed Copy: US $91
Library License: US $276
ISSN: 2467-9607 (Print)
ISSN: 2352-3220 (Online)
ISBN: 978-981-14-7917-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-7919-9 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97816810875351200601


Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Diabetes and Obesity is a book series that brings updated reviews to readers interested in advances in the development of pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of two metabolic diseases – diabetes and obesity. The scope of the series covers a range of topics including the medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology and biochemistry of natural and synthetic drugs affecting endocrine and metabolic processes linked with diabetes and obesity. Reviews in this series also include research on specific receptor targets and pre-clinical / clinical findings on novel pharmaceutical agents. Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Diabetes and Obesity is a valuable resource for pharmaceutical scientists and postgraduate students seeking updated and critically important information for developing clinical trials and devising research plans in the field of diabetes and obesity research.

The sixth volume of this series features 6 reviews which are informative guides to therapy and drug administration in diabetes and metabolic syndrome, for both the medical specialist and the pharmacologist.

  • - The failing heart in diabetes with special emphasis on prevention
  • - Flavonoids as prominent anti-diabetic agents
  • - Chemosensor in glucose monitoring, advances and challenges
  • - Synergistic drugs and polyherbal formulations for obesity: current status and future prospectives
  • - Urge for herbal anti-diabetic medicines towards clinical and therapeutic implications
  • - Curcuma longa as dietary supplement and diabetes mellitus: evidence from experimental studies


Pharmaceutical Scientists, Medicinal Chemists, Internal medicine specialists, endocrinologists, diabetologists, medical professionals


- Pp. i
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List of Contributors

- Pp. ii

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The Failing Heart in Diabetes with Special Emphasis on Prevention

- Pp. 1-30 (30)
Sayak Roy*, Maneesha S. Khalse

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Flavonoids as Prominent Anti-diabetic Agents

- Pp. 31-71 (41)
Aluru Rammohan*, Baki Vijaya Bhaskar

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Chemosensor in Glucose Monitoring, Advances and Challenges

- Pp. 72-97 (26)
Hayat Ullah*, Maliha Sarfraz*, Misbah Ullah Khan, Munzer Ullah

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Synergistic Drugs and Polyherbal Formulations for Obesity: Current Status and Future Prospectives

- Pp. 98-117 (20)
P Kavya. , M Gayathri. *

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Urge for Herbal Anti-Diabetic Medicines Towards Clinical and Therapeutic Implications

- Pp. 118-144 (27)
I.V. Asharani*, M. Gowtham, D. Thirumalai

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Curcuma Longa as Dietary Supplement and Diabetes Mellitus: Evidence from Experimental Studies

- Pp. 145-169 (25)
Maliha Sarfraz*, Hayat Ullah, Ghulam Nabi, Muhammad Asif Raza, Rashid Iqbal, Shaheed Ullah

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Subject Index

- Pp. 170-176 (7)

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.Nanoscience Applications in Diabetes Treatment.
.Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Diabetes and Obesity.
.Diabesity: A Multidisciplinary Approach.
.Pharmacological and Molecular Perspectives on Diabetes.