Editors: J. Senthil Kumar, P. Ponmurugan, A. Vinoth Kanna

A Primer on Earth Pollution: Pollution Types and Disposal

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $101
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Library License: US $236
ISBN: 978-981-14-7653-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-7655-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2020
DOI: 10.2174/97898114765561200101
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A Primer on Earth Pollution: Pollution Types and Disposal, is an encyclopedia of important research articles and short essays on pollution. Chapters in the initial half provide information about a wide variety of pollutants (dyes and microplastics) and contributing factors (thermal pollution and the impact of GM plants, for instance). Each chapter explains the nature of polluting agents and presents notes and references on preventive measures. Notes on the associated clinical complications due to exposure are also proved where applicable, such as the case of MDR bacteria in marine environments. The latter chapters of the book cover the biotechnology of medical waste disposal using microbes as well as nanotechnology used for limiting the spread of COVID-19.

The volume is a handy reference for students and trainees in the field of environmental science as it brings a balance of basic and applied information on the subject of pollution.


- Pp. i-ii (2)
J. Senthil Kumar
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iii-iv (2)
J. Senthil Kumar, P. Ponmurugan, A. Vinoth Kanna
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Synthetic Dyes Pollution

- Pp. 1-17 (17)
B. Sathya Priya, V. Arun, T. Stalin

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Microplastics Pollution

- Pp. 18-32 (15)
B. Sathya Priya, T. Stalin

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Thermal Pollution

- Pp. 33-45 (13)
M. Sudha Devi, T. Dhanalakshimi

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Agricultural Pollution

- Pp. 46-58 (13)
K. Chitra, B. Sathya Priya

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Industrial Effluent Pollution-Impact of Papermill Effluent Irrigation and Solid Waste Application on Cultivated Soil

- Pp. 59-68 (10)
M. Suguna Devakumari

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Genetically Modified Plants and Its Effect on Environment

- Pp. 69-79 (11)
J. Beslin Joshi

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Pesticide Pollution

- Pp. 80-96 (17)
A. Anitha, S. Geethalakshmi

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Water Pollution

- Pp. 97-112 (16)
T. Dhanalakshimi, M. Sudha Devi

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Marine Pollution

- Pp. 113-128 (16)
B. Sathya Priya, K. Chitra, T. Stalin

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Multidrug Resistance Proteus mirabilis in Klang River, Malaysia

- Pp. 129-145 (17)
N. Suryadevara, M. F. T. Lim, G. Shanmugam, P. Ponmurugan

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Exploitation of Cryptococcus neoformans Isolated from Cow Dung in Bioremediation of Medical Waste

- Pp. 146-162 (17)
S. Sumathi, R. Akshaya, R. Padma

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Biomedical Waste: Safe Disposal and Recycling

- Pp. 163-179 (17)
V. Arun, B. Sathya Priya

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Microbial Pollution Control through Biogenically Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles (Bacillus Spp)

- Pp. 180-190 (11)
J. Senthil Kumar, R. Sathya, P. Balamurugan, R. Gomathi, B. Preetham Kumar, R. Vishnu

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Subject Index

- Pp. 191-203 (13)
J. Senthil Kumar, P. Ponmurugan, A. Vinoth Kanna
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.Nanomaterials An Approach Towards Environmental remediation.
.Green Solutions for Degradation of Pollutants.
.Technology for a Sustainable Environment.
.Microplastic Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control.