Editors: Gabriella Marfe, Carla Di Stefano

Hazardous Waste Management and Health Risks

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $126
Printed Copy: US $91
Library License: US $276
ISBN: 978-981-14-5472-1 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-5474-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2020
DOI: 10.2174/97898114547451200101
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Hazardous Waste Management and Health Risks presents a systematic overview of evaluating solid and hazardous waste management practices. The book introduces readers to the basic principles of hazardous waste management and progresses into related topics that allow managers to assess environmental quality. These topics include heavy metal pollution, reproductive biomarkers as signals of environmental pressure and health risks, and environmental contamination in an international perspective. With an emphasis on sustainable development throughout the text, a zero-waste strategy as an alternative way to manage hazardous waste is suggested in a dedicated chapter.

This reference book is intended as an introductory guide for managers taking waste management training courses and students involved in degree courses related to environmental engineering and management.


- Pp. i
Gabriella Marfe, Carla Di Stefano
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- Pp. ii-viii (7)
Miriam Kennet*
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List of Contributors

- Pp. ix
Gabriella Marfe, Carla Di Stefano
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- Pp. 1-16 (16)
Gabriella Marfe, Stefania Perna, Carla Di Stefano

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Hazardous Waste and its Management

- Pp. 17-50 (34)
Gabriella Marfe*, Stefania Perna, Carla Di Stefano

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Hazardous Waste And its Associated Health Risks

- Pp. 51-61 (11)
Rishi Rana, Rajiv Ganguly*

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Biological Effects of Hazardous Waste: Threshold Limits of Anomalies and Protective Approaches

- Pp. 62-96 (35)
Amal I. Hassan, Hosam M. Saleh*

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Heavy Metal Pollution: Sources, Effects, and Control Methods

- Pp. 97-112 (16)
Sunil Jayant Kulkarni*

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Reproductive Biomarkers as Early Indicators for Assessing Environmental Health Risk

- Pp. 113-145 (33)
Luigi Montano*

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Hazardous Waste, Health Problems, and Personal Well-being: An International Perspective

- Pp. 146-158 (13)
James G. Linn*, Debra R. Wilson, Jorge Chuaqui, Thabo T. Fako

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Zero Waste Management as Key Factor for Sustainable Development

- Pp. 159-192 (34)
Gabriella Marfe*, Carla Di Stefano, Arturo Hermann

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Subject Index

- Pp. 193-205 (13)
Gabriella Marfe, Carla Di Stefano
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.Nanomaterials An Approach Towards Environmental remediation.
.Green Solutions for Degradation of Pollutants.
.Technology for a Sustainable Environment.
.Microplastic Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control.