Editor: Gary W. Caldwell

The Pharmaceutical Scientist Guide to Solution Kinetic Models Mathematical Description and Applications

eBook: US $99 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $168
Printed Copy: US $118
Library License: US $396
ISSN: 2214-4331 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-167-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-90-77527-12-2 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2007
DOI: 10.2174/97890775271221070101



- Pp. i-ii (2)
Gary W. Caldwell
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Thermodynamic & Kinetic Review [Overview (Section i)]

- Pp. 1-67 (67)
Gary W. Caldwell

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Rearrangement Reactions [Irreversible First-Order Reactions (Section 1)]

- Pp. 68-143 (76)
Gary W. Caldwell

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Dimerization Reactions [Irreversible Homogenous Second-Order Reactions (Section III)]

- Pp. 144-166 (23)
Gary W. Caldwell

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Binding Reactions [Irreversible Heterogenous Second-Order Reactions (Section V)]

- Pp. 167-206 (40)
Gary W. Caldwell

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Competitive Binding Reactions [Reversible Second-Order Equilibrium Reactions (Section VII)]

- Pp. 207-227 (21)
Gary W. Caldwell

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Suicide Enzyme Reactions [Consecutive Irreversible Second- and First-Order Reactions (Section VIII)]

- Pp. 228-255 (28)
Gary W. Caldwell

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Enzyme Reactions [ Single Substrate Enzyme Reactions ( Section X)

- Pp. 256-306 (51)
Gary W. Caldwell

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Inhibition Enzyme Reactions [ Substrate/Inhibitor Competitive Reversible Enzyme Reactions ( Section XIII)

- Pp. 307-356 (50)
Gary W. Caldwell

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Other Inhibition Enzyme Reactions [ Substrate Inhibition Enzyme Reactions ( Section XVII)

- Pp. 357-379 (23)
Gary W. Caldwell

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Appendix I [ Chapter 2: Answers to Problems ( Section I)

- Pp. 380-437 (58)
Gary W. Caldwell

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- Pp. 438-441 (4)
Gary W. Caldwell
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.Bioactive Compounds from Medicinal Plants for Cancer Therapy and Chemoprevention.
.Drug Addiction Mechanisms in the Brain.
.Medicinal Chemistry of Drugs Affecting Cardiovascular and Endocrine Systems.
.Software and Programming Tools in Pharmaceutical Research.
.Endocannabinoids: Molecular, Pharmacological, Behavioral and Clinical Features.
.Ricin Toxin.
.Solubility, Delivery and ADME Problems of Drugs and Drug-Candidates.