Infectious Diseases
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Editors: Ferid Murad , Atta-ur-Rahman , Ka Bian

Series Title: Herbal Medicine Back to the Future

Infectious Diseases

Volume 5

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $90
Printed Copy: US $65
Library License: US $196
ISSN: 2542-9981 (Print)
ISSN: 2542-999X (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-923-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-922-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97816810892251210501


Herbal Medicine: Back to the Future compiles expert reviews on the application of herbal medicines (including Ayurveda, Chinese traditional medicines and alternative therapies) to treat different ailments. The book series demonstrates the use of sophisticated methods to understand traditional medicine, while providing readers a glimpse into the future of herbal medicine.

Volume 5 continues the theme of the previous volume by featuring reviews of plant based therapies useful for treating different infectious diseases. Topics in this volume are of general interest to computational chemistry researchers, physicians and a broad range of allied healthcare practitioners. Other highlights of this volume include contributions about COVID-19, and traditional medicine in Algeria and China. The topics included in this volume are:

  • - Improving curcumin and eugenol through computational chemistry and nanotechnology
  • - Herbal remedies for respiratory tract infections
  • - COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive overview of epidemiological, pathogenesis, diagnostic aspects and therapeutic interventions to tackle current outbreak
  • - Application of mid-infrared spectroscopy on therapeutic effects of herbal medicine in infectious diseases
  • - Traditional herbal uses from Algerian pharmacopoeia against infectious diseases
  • - Traditional Chinese medicine for treating infectious diseases: history, progress, and perspectives

This volume is essential reading for all researchers in the field of natural product chemistry and pharmacology. Medical professionals involved in internal medicine who seek to improve their knowledge about herbal medicine and alternative therapies for tropical and other infectious diseases will also benefit from the contents of the volume.

Audience: Medical and allied healthcare professionals, Infectious disease specialists, researchers interested in herbal medicine, drug discovery and computational chemistry


- Pp. i
Ferid Murad, Atta-ur-Rahman, Ka Bian
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List of Contributors

- Pp. ii-iii (2)

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Improving Curcumin and Eugenol Through Computational Chemistry and Nanotechnology

- Pp. 1-45 (45)
Diana R. Cundell*

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Herbal Remedies for Respiratory Tract Infections

- Pp. 46-71 (26)
Ferah Armutcu*, Abdulkadir Kucukbayrak

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COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comprehensive Overview of Epidemiological, Pathogenesis, Diagnostic Aspects and Therapeutic Interventions to Tackle Current Outbreak

- Pp. 72-122 (51)
Acharya Balkrishna, Rashmi Mittal, Vedpriya Arya*

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Application of Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy on Therapeutic Effects of Herbal Medicine in Infectious Diseases

- Pp. 123-152 (30)
Gulkizilca Yurur, Tugce N. Gedik Kapancık, Mete Severcan, Nazli Ezer Ozer, Feride Severcan*

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Traditional Herbal Uses from Algerian Pharmacopoeia against Infectious Diseases

- Pp. 153-170 (18)
Djilali Tahri*, Mohammed Seba, Fatiha Elhouiti, Mohamed Ouinten, Mohamed Yousfi

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Traditional Chinese Medicine for Treating Infectious Diseases: History, Progress, and Perspectives

- Pp. 171-198 (28)
Zehua Jin, Yunru Yu, Bin Qu, Yu Wang, Han Zhang, Yi Wang*

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Subject Index

- Pp. 199-205 (7)

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.Emerging Approaches to Tackle Neglected Diseases: From Molecule to End Product.
.COVID 19 – Monitoring with IoT Devices.
.Recent Advances in the Application of Marine Natural Products as Antimicrobial Agents.
.Recent Trends and The Future of Antimicrobial Agents - Part 2.