Editor: Terje Solsvik Kristensen

Artificial Intelligence: Models, Algorithms and Applications

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $90
Printed Copy: US $65
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-1-68108-827-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-826-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97816810882661210101


Artificial Intelligence: Models, Algorithms and Applications presents focused information about applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in different areas to solve complex problems. The book presents 8 chapters that demonstrate AI based systems for vessel tracking, mental health assessment, radiology, instrumentation, business intelligence, education and criminology. The book concludes with a chapter on mathematical models of neural networks.

The book serves as an introductory book about AI applications at undergraduate and graduate levels and as a reference for industry professionals working with AI based systems.


- Pp. i-iv (4)
Terje Solsvik Kristensen
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List of Contributors

- Pp. v
Terje Solsvik Kristensen
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From AIS Data to Vessel Destination Through Prediction with Machine Learning Techniques

- Pp. 1-12 (12)
Wells Wang, Chengkai Zhang, Fabien Guillaume, Richard Halldearn, Terje Solsvik Kristensen, Zheng Liu*

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Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health

- Pp. 13-34 (22)
Suresh Kumar Mukhiya*, Amin Aminifar, Fazle Rabbi, Violet Ka I. Pun, Yngve Lamo

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Deep Learning in Radiology

- Pp. 35-53 (19)
Madhura Ingalhalikar*

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AI in Instrumentation Industry

- Pp. 54-65 (12)
Ajay V. Deshmukh*

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AI in Business and Education

- Pp. 66-82 (17)
Tarjei Alvær Heggernes*

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Extreme Randomized Trees for Real Estate Appraisal with Housing and Crime Data

- Pp. 83-97 (15)
Junchi Bin, Bryan Gardiner, Eric Li, Zheng Liu*

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The Knowledge-based Firm and AI

- Pp. 98-116 (19)
Ove Rustung Hjelmervik, Terje Solsvik Kristensen*

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A Mathematical Description of Artificial Neural Networks

- Pp. 117-154 (38)
Hans Birger Drange*

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Subject Index

- Pp. 155-161 (7)
Terje Solsvik Kristensen
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