Editor: Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS

Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorder

Volume 7

eBook: US $129 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $236
Printed Copy: US $171
Library License: US $516
ISSN: 2451-8743 (Print)
ISSN: 2214-5168 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-561-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-560-9 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2018
DOI: 10.2174/97816810856091180701


Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders will be of particular interest to readers interested in drug therapy of this specific neurodegenerative condition and related brain disorders as the series provides relevant reviews written by experts in the field of Alzheimer’s disease research.

The seventh volume of this series features chapters covering critical discussions on AD biochemistry and new therapies. The reviews in this volume include:

  • - Deep Brain Stimulation in the Treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • - ASS234: A New and Promising Anti-Alzheimer Agent
  • - Recent Advances in Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Research
  • - Alzheimer’s Disease and Proteasome: The Therapeutic Development and Management
  • - Alzheimer´s Disease: Fundamental Concepts, Novel Findings and Therapeutics Outcomes Coming from the Ca2+/cAMP Signalling Interaction
  • - Alzheimer's Disease: An Approach for Non-Pharmacological Therapies
  • - Past and Present Drug Development for Alzheimer's Disease


- Pp. i
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List of Contributors

- Pp. ii-iii (2)
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Deep Brain Stimulation in the Treatment of Alzheimer's disease

- Pp. 1-11 (11)
Angelo Lavano, Giusy Guzzi, Attilio Della Torre, Domenico Chirchiglia, Carmelino Angelo Stroscio, Donatella Gabriele, Giorgio Volpentesta

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ASS234: A New and Promising Anti-Alzheimer Agent

- Pp. 12-25 (14)
Alejandro Romero, Eva Ramos, Ana P. Fernandez, Julia Serrano, Ricardo Martínez-Murillo, Jose Marco-Contelles

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Recent Advances in Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Research

- Pp. 26-98 (73)
Xin-An Liu, Brati Das, Youjun Chen, Zuxin Chen, Yosef Avchalumov, Xu Tian, Sathyanarayanan V. Puthanveettil

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Alzheimer’s Disease and Proteasome: The Therapeutic Development and Management

- Pp. 99-139 (41)
Qunxing Ding, Haiyan Zhu

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Alzheimer´s Disease: Fundamental Concepts, Novel Findings and Therapeutics Outcomes Coming from the Ca2+/cAMP Signalling Interaction

- Pp. 140-157 (18)
Leandro Bueno Bergantin

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Alzheimer's Disease: An Approach for Non- Pharmacological Therapies

- Pp. 158-213 (56)
M. G.V. Gottlieb, V. E. Closs, V. M. Junges, A. von Gunten, Z. C.L. Lindoso, J. P. Rocha, B.J.P. Lopes Filho, C .R. Oliveira, F. Loureiro

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Past and Present Drug Development for Alzheimer's Disease

- Pp. 214-253 (40)
Pratap Kumar Sahu, Prashant Tiwari, Shakti Ketan Prusty, Bharat Bhusan Subudhi

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Subject Index

- Pp. 254-262 (9)
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.The Brain: A Systems Neuroscience Perspective.
.Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders.
.Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders.
.Neurodegenerative Diseases: Multifactorial Degenerative Processes, Biomarkers and Therapeutic Approaches.
.Advances in Diagnostics and Immunotherapeutics for Neurodegenerative Diseases.
.Interventional Pain Surgery.
.Endoscopy and Fetoscopy Techniques for the Brain and Neuroaxis.
.Regenerative Medicine & Peripheral Nerve Endoscopy.