Editor: Songtao Qi

Series Title: Frontiers in Neurosurgery

Craniopharyngiomas − Classification and Surgical Treatment

Volume 4

eBook: US $129 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $242
Printed Copy: US $177
Library License: US $516
ISSN: 2405-7401 (Print)
ISSN: 2405-741X (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-533-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-532-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2017
DOI: 10.2174/97816810853261170401


Craniopharyngiomas are a type of brain tumour in the suprasellar region with benign histological and cellular features. Clinical manifestations of craniopharyngiomas include decreased vision, hypopituitarism, hypothalamus dysfunction, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, glycometabolism, lipid metabolism and obesity. Craniopharyngiomas can show some characteristics of malignant tumours, such as invasion to the surrounding tissues, repetitious recurrence, and rapid growth. These characteristics cause considerable difficulty in patient treatment for neurosurgeons all over the world. This volume presents detailed information about craniopharyngioma anatomy, classification and treatment.

  1. -Detailed references based on the clinical data of more than 400 craniopharyngioma cases, and cadaveric anatomical findings of the relationship between tumours and surrounding structures.
  2. -A new proposed topographic classification of craniopharyngiomas explained with corresponding surgical techniques for treatment.
  3. - Analytical presentation with references to medical literature.
  4. -Information about quality of life (QOL) and endocrinology evaluation relevant to craniopharyngioma treatment
  5. -30 typical clinical cases with more than 500 clear anatomical pictures, radiological and intra-surgical images, and delicate schematic and ideographic diagrams.

This reference is an essential information resource on craniopharyngiomas for neurosurgeons (adult and pediatric), neuro-endocrinologists, neuro-radiologists, ophthalmologists and medical residents.


- Pp. i-ii (2)
Songtao Qi
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iii
Songtao Qi
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History and Epidemiology of Craniopharyngioma

- Pp. 1-14 (14)
Yuntao Lu

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The Pituitary Gland and Etiology of Craniopharyngioma

- Pp. 15-37 (23)
Yuntao Lu

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Pathological Classification of Craniopharyngioma and its Molecular Aspects

- Pp. 38-51 (14)
Xiao-rong Yan, Yi Liu

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Current Therapeutic Situation

- Pp. 52-87 (36)
Yi Liu

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Experimental Craniopharyngioma Research

- Pp. 88-97 (10)
Guang-long Huang, Jie Zhou

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Anatomy Based on Pterional Approach and its Extension Approach for Surgery of Craniopharyngioma

- Pp. 98-115 (18)
Yuntao Lu

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Anatomy Based on Interhemispheric Approach for Surgery of Craniopharyngioma

- Pp. 116-133 (18)
Yuntao Lu

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Anatomy Based on Transspenoidal Approaches for Surgery of Craniopharyngioma

- Pp. 134-145 (12)
Yuntao Lu

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Craniopharyngioma Classification: History and its Merit

- Pp. 146-175 (30)
Yuntao Lu, Jun Pan

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Subdiaphragmatic Craniopharyngioma (Type “Q”)

- Pp. 176-200 (25)
Jun Pan

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Subarachnoid Cisternal Craniopharyngioma (Type “S”)

- Pp. 201-215 (15)
Jun Pan

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Suprasellar Infundibulo-Tuberal Craniopharyngioma (Type “T”)

- Pp. 216-253 (38)
Jun Pan

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Intraventricular Craniopharyngioma?

- Pp. 254-282 (29)
Jun Pan, Yuntao Lu

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Infra-sellar and Nasopharyngeal Craniopharyngioma

- Pp. 283-288 (6)
Jun Pan

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Surgical Treatment of Recurrent Craniopharyngioma

- Pp. 289-301 (13)
Jun Pan

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Hypopituitarism in Craniopharyngioma

- Pp. 302-327 (26)
Chun-ling Ye, Jun-xiang Peng

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Hypothalamus Status Evaluation

- Pp. 328-340 (13)
Chun-ling Ye, Jun-xiang Peng

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Clinical Manifestation and Management in Children

- Pp. 341-358 (18)
Jun Pan

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Typical Cases of Craniopharyngioma

- Pp. 359-407 (49)
Jun Pan, Yuntao Lu

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- Pp. 408
Songtao Qi
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Subject Index

- Pp. 409-419 (11)
Songtao Qi
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