Editor: Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS

Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry

Volume 2

eBook: US $189 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $345
Printed Copy: US $250
Library License: US $756
ISSN: 1574-0897 (Print)
ISSN: 2212-3997 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-360-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-359-9 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2016
DOI: 10.2174/97816810835991160201


“Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry” is an Ebook series devoted to publishing monographs that highlight important advances in natural product chemistry. The Ebook series covers all aspects of research in the chemistry and biochemistry of naturally occurring compounds including coverage of work on natural substances of land and sea and of plants, microbes and animals. Reviews of structure elucidation, biological activity, organic and experimental synthesis of natural products as well as developments of new methods are included.

The second volume of the series brings seven reviews covering polyphenols of various types, Sambucus nigra as a health promoter, corrinoids in food samples, flavonoids in infected plants and much more.


- Pp. i
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List of Contributors

- Pp. ii-iii (2)
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The Implications of Horizontal Gene Transfer for Access to Secondary Metabolites

- Pp. 3-114 (112)
Lauren J. Brown-Domenick, Shreya N. Patel, John R. Porter

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Polyphenols: From Wastes to High added Value Bio-products

- Pp. 115-178 (64)
Katya Carbone, María C. Garrigós, Alfonso Jiménez

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The Role of Natural Products in Tropical Diseases

- Pp. 179-228 (50)
Syeda Sadia Khatoon, Mujeeb-ur-Rehman, Atta-ur-Rahman

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Corrinoids in Food and Biological Samples

- Pp. 229-244 (16)
Fumio Watanabe, Tomohiro Bito
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Bioactive Phenols in Small Fruits and Berries

- Pp. 245-342 (98)
Raquel de Pinho Ferreira Guiné

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Sambucus nigra L.: A Potential Source of Healthpromoting Components

- Pp. 343-392 (50)
Ângelo C. Salvador, Armando J. D. Silvestre, Sílvia M. Rocha

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Flavonoid Variations in Pathogen-Infected Plants

- Pp. 393-439 (47)
Kebede Taye Desta, Sung Chul Shin, Jae-Han Shim, Gon-Sup Kim, Ho-Chul Shin, A. M. Abd El-Aty
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Subject Index

- Pp. 440-446 (7)
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