Editors: Silvio Marcio Pegoraro Balzan, Vinícius Grando Gava

Principles of Hepatic Surgery

eBook: US $99 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $261
Printed Copy: US $211
Library License: US $396
ISBN: 978-1-68108-286-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-285-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2016
DOI: 10.2174/97816810828511160101


Principles of Hepatic Surgery introduces the reader to current trends in Liver surgery knowledge and practice. This reference book covers liver surgery fundamentals as well as cutting-edge progress in this exciting surgical specialty. Contributions have been written by expert hepatic surgeons from major medical centers around the world.

Key features include:

- Information organized into five comprehensive sections: i) Liver Anatomy and Perioperative Care, ii) Approach to Malignant Hepatic Disease, iii) Approach to Benign Hepatic Disease, iv) Technical Aspects of Liver Resections, and v) Liver Transplantation

- Over 350 illustrations

- Truly effective didactic text, with logical, clear explanations, giving readers a pleasant reading experience

- Commentary sections written by experts for specific surgical cases.

Principles of Hepatic Surgery is a valuable reference for both novice hepatologists and practicing liver surgeons.


- Pp. i
Silvio M P Balzan, Vinícius G Gava
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- Pp. ii
Jacques Belghiti, François Cauchy, Leslie H Blumgart
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- Pp. iii
Silvio Marcio Pegoraro Balzan, Vinicius Grando Gava
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- Pp. iv-viii (5)
Silvio Marcio Pegoraro Balzan, Vinicius Grando Gava
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Surgical Anatomy of the Liver

- Pp. 1-16 (16)
Renato Micelli Lupinacci, Silvio Marcio Pegoraro Balzan, Paulo Herman

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Radiological Anatomy of the Liver

- Pp. 17-37 (21)
Lee Grant, Albert Loh, Dow-Mu Koh

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Intraoperative Assessement of the Liver

- Pp. 38-47 (10)
Matteo Donadon, Guido Costa, Guido Torzilli

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Underlying Liver Disorders in Hepatic Surgery

- Pp. 48-56 (9)
Stéphane Zalinski, Antoine Brouquet, Kristoffer W. Brudvik, Jean-Nicolas Vauthey

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Liver Function Assessment Before and After Hepatic Resection

- Pp. 57-65 (9)
Rouzbeh Daylami, Philip D. Schneider, Vijay P. Khatri

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Surgical Approach in Cirrhotic Patients

- Pp. 66-79 (14)
Jacques Belghiti, Safi Dokmak, Vikram Raut

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Portal Vein Embolization, Transarterial Chemoembolization and Local Ablation of Hepatic Tumors

- Pp. 80-105 (26)
Nikhil Bhagat, Jean-Francois H. Geschwind

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Anesthesia and Pain Control in Liver Surgery

- Pp. 106-120 (15)
Ney Fuhrmann Leal, Maurício de Oliveira, Vinícius Grando Gava, Silvio Marcio Pegoraro Balzan

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Morbidity and Mortality After Liver Surgery

- Pp. 121-140 (20)
Silvio Marcio Pegoraro Balzan, Vinícius Grando Gava

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Colorectal Liver Metastases

- Pp. 141-157 (17)
Mark G. van Vledder, Michael A. Choti, Vinícius G. Gava, Silvio M.P. Balzan

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Neuroendocrine Liver Metastases

- Pp. 158-168 (11)
Eloísa Amate, Pablo Ramírez, Ricardo Robles, Francisco Sánchez-Bueno, Marcio Pegoraro Balzan, Pascual Parrilla

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Non-Colorectal Non-Neuroendocrine Liver Metastases

- Pp. 169-186 (18)
Louis Bredt, Emir Hoti, Rene Adam

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Hepatocellular Cancer

- Pp. 187-221 (35)
Eddie K. Abdalla

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Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma

- Pp. 222-236 (15)
David Fuks, Jean-Marc Regimbeau, Brice Robert, Silvio Marcio Pegoraro Balzan, Olivier Farges

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Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma

- Pp. 237-252 (16)
David Fuks, Olivier Farges

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Gallbladder Carcinoma

- Pp. 253-279 (27)
Julie G. Grossman, Ryan C. Fields, Michael D`Angelica

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Other Malignant Primary Tumors of the Liver

- Pp. 280-294 (15)
Matteo Cescon, Valentina Bertuzzo, Gian Luca Grazi, Antonio Daniele Pinna

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Benign Solid Focal Lesions and Incidentalomas of the Liver

- Pp. 295-323 (29)
Silvio Marcio Pegoraro Balzan, Vinicius Grando Gava, Gustavo Felipe Luersen

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Non-Parasitic Cystic Diseases of the Liver

- Pp. 324-342 (19)
Emma Barron, O James Garden

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Parasitic Hepatic Cysts and Pyogenic Hepatic Abscess

- Pp. 343-361 (19)
Hadj Omar El Malki, Amine Souadka, Vinicius Grando Gava, Silvio Marcio Pegoraro Balzan

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Primary Intrahepatic Lithiasis

- Pp. 362-380 (19)
Gennaro Nuzzo, Felice Giuliante, Francesco Ardito, Agostino Maria De Rose, Gennaro Clemente, Silvio Marcio Pegoraro Balzan

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General Technical Aspects of Liver Resections

- Pp. 381-403 (23)
Silvio Marcio Pegoraro Balzan, Vinícius Grando Gava

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Vascular Control and Parenchymal Transection Techniques

- Pp. 404-417 (14)
Patrick Pessaux, Elie Oussoultzoglou, Daniel Jaeck

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Principles of Segment-oriented Liver Resections –Mesohepatectomy, Monosegmentectomies,and Bisegmentectomies

- Pp. 418-427 (10)
Kelvin K. Ng

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Right Liver Resections

- Pp. 428-437 (10)
Takuya Hashimoto, Masatoshi Makuuchi

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Left Liver Resections

- Pp. 438-444 (7)
Ailton Sepulveda, Fabiano Perdigão, Olivier Scatton

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Principles of Laparoscopic Liver Resections

- Pp. 445-458 (14)
Joseph F. Buell, Brice Gayet, Hao Lei, Dimitrios Tzanis, Robert M. Cannon, Ibrahim Dagher

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Complementary Techniques in Liver Surgery

- Pp. 459-466 (8)
Fernando Burdio, Yuman Fong

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Liver Transplantation for Hepatic Failure

- Pp. 467-477 (11)
Luis Augusto Carneiro D`Albuquerque, Andre Ibrahim David, Wellington Andraus, Bernardo Fernandes Canedo, Ivana Schmidtbauer, Silvio Marcio Pegoraro Balzan

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Liver Transplantation for Malignant and Benign Tumors

- Pp. 478-491 (14)
Eloísa Amate, Pablo Ramírez, Silvio Marcio Pegoraro Balzan, Pascual Parrilla

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Immunosuppression in Liver Transplantation

- Pp. 492-504 (13)
François Durand, Claire Francoz

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Technical Aspects of Liver Transplantation

- Pp. 505-524 (20)
Fady M. Kaldas, Hasan Yersiz, Ronald W. Busuttil

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Subject Index

- Pp. 525-530 (6)
Silvio Marcio Pegoraro Balzan, Vinicius Grando Gava
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