Author: Kunihiro Suzuki

Bipolar Transistor and MOSFET Device Models

eBook: US $129 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $277
Printed Copy: US $212
Library License: US $516
ISBN: 978-1-68108-262-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-261-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2016
DOI: 10.2174/97816810826151160101


Continuous efforts to develop new semiconductor devices enable device manufacturers to make significant improvements in the information technology sector. Bipolar transistors and MOSFETS are two special electronic device components that are used to construct very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits, allowing engineers to create powerful machines that are power efficient. VLSI device characterization depends largely on semiconductor device modeling which is based on physical and electronic principles. Bipolar transistor and MOSFET device models is a textbook that describes basic functions and characterization models of these two types of transistors. Readers will learn about the processes employed to derive these models which will help them understand the modeling process. Chapters in this text cover the fundamentals of semiconductor devices, the pn junction, high and low injection region models for bipolar transistors, and different MOSFET models such as channel doping models and gated SOI models. Key features of this book include:

- step by step, easy to understand presentation of model information on innovative semiconductor devices

- an overview of model derivation, assumptions, approximations and limitations

- novel experimental information on semiconductor parameters such as gate fringe capacitance, silicided source/drain resistance, and threshold voltage shift

Bipolar transistor and MOSFET device models is an essential learning resource for advanced students and professional engineers involved in semiconductor device modeling and fabrication divisions.


Since the 1960s, numerous works on the subject of semiconductor device physics and modeling have appeared in print. Most of these were intended for use as textbooks at either the undergraduate or graduate levels, or both. Some were written for practicing engineers in the semiconductor industry, although a few, notably the one by Grove (1967), found its way into many classrooms as well as bookshelves in company offices. While device operational principles are based on solid-state physics and statistical mechanics, understanding of these principles for technology and product development (especially in the case of silicon integrated circuits) requires mastery of only a few fundamental concepts such as bandgap and Fermi level. Thus device physics can be learned by students in the classroom without a deep knowledge of quantum and statistical mechanics, and more important, by practicing engineers from a broad range of academic disciplines and training.

Dr. Kunihiro Suzuki has recognized the reality of teaching and learning transistor physics and modeling, based on his intimate working knowledge of the subject as a researcher with a prolific publication record in a leading industry laboratory for the past three decades. His recently published three-volume treatise on ion implantation is yet another testimony to his breadth and depth in the field of semiconductor device physics and technology.

While the overall organization of this book is not unique, the treatment of each topic spans from elementary concepts to advanced developments that are not present in most other similar publications. The book is suitable for experts as a reference, and for someone with a basic science background to learn a few things about this important technology, the recognition of which is increasingly supplanted by fascination with other non-science-based areas. Further, the book is especially useful for one without a strong device background but working on some aspects of 3-D silicon-based device technologies, as it provides the necessary prerequisite knowledge and nomenclature for understanding the operations of such devices.

I applaud the phenomenal effort put into the preparation of this book and look forward to using it for both teaching and as a reference. The dedication of Dr. Suzuki to his profession and his intense passion for device physics were apparent to me when we first met at Fujitsu Atsugi Laboratories in the late eighties, where he subsequently hosted one of my former graduate students (currently an executive at Intel) for one year working on short-channel effects. I expect such passion to be also apparent to readers from a broad range of educational and professional backgrounds, who, like Dr. Suzuki, wish to continue to contribute to device technology developments as far and as long as Moore’s Law remains relevant in some form.

Cary Y. Yang
Santa Clara, California


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