Author: George Z. Kyzas

Green Adsorbents

eBook: US $29 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $152
Printed Copy: US $137
Library License: US $116
ISBN: 978-1-68108-137-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-136-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2015
DOI: 10.2174/97816810813661150101


Adsorption technology is a promising avenue for wastewater treatment. Numerous adsorbent materials are presently synthesized. Green or environmental friendly adsorbents are derived from plants and agricultural crop sources, giving them a very low production cost when compared to synthetic polymers. This monograph explains the basic principles of green adsorption technology, their production processes and strategies to remove different categories of environmental pollutants (dyes, heavy metals and phenols/pesticides). The book explains details in terms of features such as adsorption capacity, physico-chemical kinetics and reuse potential. A summary of the economics and future prospect for green adsorption technology is also given. This text is a handy reference for environmental chemistry students, researchers and policy makers.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, EBSCO.


When Dr. Kyzas asked me to write this preface, I was honored and thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce this outstanding work!

I have been impressed with the promising career of Dr. Kyzas who has contributed enormously in the field of environmental technology and in particular adsorption phenomena. He has both published extensively on this subject and is well qualified to write and edit such books. Dr. Kyzas has made significant contributions in the synthesis and adsorptive evaluation of various materials during his early research career. The research potential of Dr. Kyzas is really impressive. The high-level of his research includes: (i) publication of many papers in highly Impact Factor scientific journals; (ii) oral or poster presentation in National and International Scientific Conferences; (iii) publication of many chapters in scientific books; (iv) editorship in Scientific journals; (v) reviewership in Scientific journals. However, the most impressive thing in his early scientific research career is that until the end of his Ph.D. he had published 6 papers, while the next 5 years took off his research capabilities, publishing 52 papers in high Impact Factor journals. Taking into account (i) his age; (ii) his teaching work (until now) as a.Lecturer at Technological Educational Institute of Kavala (Greece); (iii) the impressively rapid growth of his research career in a relatively young age, I can assure that Dr. Kyzas can be easily considered as one of the topranked young scientist of Greece.

The book is very well organized in multiple short chapters that are beautifully illustrated both with ultrasound images and diagrams. Initially, they introduce the subject with a chapter on the different compositions of industrial wastewaters. Next, adsorption (as the major treatment of wastewater) is presented, which is a simple, rapid, and economic decontamination technique. This technique is also described in this eBook both in batch mode examples and fixed-bed ones. The following chapters introduce the synthesis of various materials used as adsorbents. These are environmental-friendly materials satisfying some basic standards of the general field of “green technology”. Examples of polluatnts removed from wastewaters with green adsorbents are then presented as dyes, heavy metals (ions), pesticides, phenols, insecticides etc. The last chapters report some useful information which can be characterized as real and practical regarding technoeconomical data for the use of green adsorbents. Industrial scaling and economic perspectives are posed along with the future trend of green adsorption technology.

This book, while very comprehensive, remains simple in its approach. It makes a very complex and rather intimidating organ accessible to both the novice and the seasoned examiner. Furthermore, this book is presented as an eBook which is a very innovative format, awaited with great anticipation. Such novel media will challenge the primacy of bulky printed books. Many books will soon be available as eBooks and carried as a small discrete thumb-drive or even downloaded perhaps on an electronic device. Electronic versions of books are the future of our industry and Dr. Kyzas has stepped up in choosing such a modern and practical display for his book.

In conclusion, I am very excited about this eBook, not only because it is superbly organized and is well illustrated, but also because as an eBook it can be carried and propagated throughout our community much more easily than a hard copy book. Dr. Kyzas has succeeded admirably in their endeavor to produce what promises to be an outstanding resource on “Green Adsorption” technology.

Athanassios Ch. Mitropoulos
Technological Educational Institute of Kavala
Petroleum and Natural Gas Technology
Kavala, Greece


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