Author: Robert E. Smith

Medicinal Chemistry - Fusion of Traditional and Western Medicine, Third Edition

eBook: US $99 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $281
Printed Copy: US $231
Library License: US $396
ISBN: 978-1-68108-079-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-078-9 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2015
DOI: 10.2174/97816810807891150301


Medicinal Chemistry - Fusion of Traditional and Western Medicine is a textbook intended for students taking courses in the various fields of medicinal chemistry, pharmacy, medical and dental programs. Moreover, people working in the pharmaceutical industry and doctors preparing for Medical Board Exams will also find it useful. Since, new drugs are being developed by multi-disciplinary teams; this E-Book describes new paradigms that are emerging in modern biology, biochemistry and medicine. It is therefore a fusion of traditional and western medicine and between systems thinking and reductionist thinking.

The 3rd edition attempts to explain the predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory (P4) paradigm of medicinal chemistry. This edition features new chapters focusing on personalized medicinal chemistry and the endocrine system (with a discussion of bioidentical hormone therapy). Other chapters cover the disease mechanism and associated pharmacology of drugs for several diseases including cancer, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, neurodegenerative diseases, the immune system and much more. The new edition also includes an overview of emergent medical problems and possible solutions (such as the flu, ebola virus, global climate change, a shortage of medicines, genetic engineering and stem cell therapy). Drugs that have been approved by the FDA since the 1st edition was written are also included. The book concludes with an explanation of systems thinking in medicinal chemistry, an important, yet rarely explored topic in other medicinal chemistry text books.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, BIOSIS Previews, EBSCO.


This book was written as a textbook for the second semester in a two-semester a course in medicinal chemistry that is taught in most pharmacy schools. It is preceded by the first edition, which was written for a one semester course and the second edition, which is for the first semester in a two semester course. They can be used in standard courses for pharmacy students and for students who are trying to get into medical, dental, pharmacy or graduate school. Moreover, people working in the pharmaceutical industry and doctors preparing for Medical Board Exams will also find it useful. The second edition discussed the fusion of traditional and western medicine and between systems thinking and reductionist thinking. This third edition contains chapters on personalized medicine and targeted drug discovery as well as the endocrine system that were not in the first edition. Unlike chapters in older books on medicinal chemistry, the chapter on the endocrine system talks about the alimentary tract and adipose tissues, which are now known to be secrete hormones. The importance of environmental toxins in autoimmune diseases is discussed. Practical advice is presented, especially when it helps illustrate an interdisciplinary approach and unexpected connections. The role of environmental toxins, such as bisphenol A (BPA) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOAA) in autoimmune diseases is discussed. Also, there are many updates based on research that was published since the first edition. New drugs have been approved and personalized medicine has benefited from next generation DNA sequencing methods. Also, three-dimensional printing was used to make a bioresorbable tracheal splint for an infant who was critically ill. So, advances in genomics, medical imaging, 3-D printing and regenerative medicine, along with increased computational power and the advent of mobile and wireless capabilities are allowing patients to be treated and monitored in ways that better meet their individual needs. There are also descriptions of the basic science behind cancer, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, infectious diseases, inflammation, reproductive medicine, the biology of information flow, the nervous system, immune network, vaccines, autopoiesis, systems biology and network theory. Finally, this and the topics discussed in it should not be taken as reflecting FDA policy or regulations.


Declared none.


The author confirms that this ebook contents have no conflict of interest.

Robert E. Smith
PPark University,


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