Editor: Eduardo Calixto

Safety Science: Methods to Prevent Incidents and Worker Health Damage at the Workplace

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $190
Printed Copy: US $165
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-1-60805-953-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-952-2 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2015
DOI: 10.2174/97816080595221150101


Risk management is a process through which an organization methodically analyses risks inherent in all of its operational activities with the aim of minimizing damage to physical assets or occupational health hazards. Risk Management, therefore, should be a central element in the management strategy of any organization as it plays a crucial role in giving the organization a sustainable operational advantage.

Safety Science: Methods to Prevent Incidents and Worker Health Damage at the Workplace is a handbook for management students and working professionals (safety professionals, human resource managers, insurance officers etc.) interested in the science of risk management and methods to implements safety standards at the workplace.

The book introduces readers to the concept of occupational risk and occupational health management. It explains the concepts relevant to these topics such as safety economy valuation and asset integrity management. Assessment tools related to qualitative and quantitative risk management, incident and vulnerability analysis are also provided. Additionally, readers will find information on the human factors and methods to improve human engagement in risk management as well as information about current safety standards and systems in organizations around the world.


This book aim to discuss the mains methods to prevent incident and employee’s health on workplace. Despite a huge effort from different organizations all over the world is still a challenge to prevent incident and health damages in workplace. The challenge faced are related more to human rather than technological issues. The organizational culture, leadership as well as organizational learning has an important hole in safety and occupational health effectiveness. Indeed those factors are the safety management pillars and also the main problem on most of organization in different industry.

Concerning the methods, different approaches are described in this book to prevent incident and health damages like risk assessment, emergency response, incident analysis methods, human factor, safety standards, and safety management.

In general terms, such methods are not well applied in many cases due to many reasons like lack of awareness about the importance of risk mitigation, lack of dedicated time to perform better analysis and lack of investment on safety.

Unfortunately, many organizational leader do not address their attention to safety into organization which might explain why such major still accident happen nowadays and many health damages are still in high level in many organizations all over the world.

Therefore, it’s important to be aware about the best approaches to address to different types of problems on safety as well as to establish a consistent and effective Safety occupational health management which is supported for such methods. By this way, the organizations will be able to achieve high performance and maintain it in long term.

Safety is not a matter of indexes, standards and reactive actions. Safety is a preventive culture which is reflected by preventive actions and attitude from all employees in different organizations levels which allow such organizations achieve high performance in long term.


The author confirms that this book contents have no conflict of interest of any part. All references are cited in the book and the text was written for the author.


I would like to please the high level specialist who contributed with their technical keen remarks and comments about the book chapters. That’s enable me to improve the quality of this book. Thanks a lot for your support.

David Thompsom
Maintenance & Reliability Consultant
University of Salford

Deshai Botheju
Safety Engineer Specialist
University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka

Karl Butler
Aerospace Engineer, ILS/RAMS Specialist
University of Manchester

Paulo Maia
Risk Management Specialist
Instituto Superior Tecnico
Lisbon, Portugal


Eduardo Calixto
Production Engineering Department - LATEC
Federal Fluminense University
E-mail: Eduardo.calixto@hotmail.com


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