Author: Maddaly Ravi

MCQs Series for Life Sciences

Volume 1

eBook: US $79 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $171
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $316
ISSN: 2468-2365 (Print)
ISSN: 2352-8745 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-945-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-944-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2014
DOI: 10.2174/97816080594471140101


Today’s academic environment presents assessment challenges defined by an increased volume of available information coupled with increased competition among students and time constraints. Multiple choice questions (MCQs) provide examiners with an opportunity to assess academic performance on the basis of instant recollection of correct answers in a minimal amount of time.

MCQs Series for Life Sciences Volume 1 is a collection of MCQs on advanced topics and offers the following benefits for readers:

- Includes over 2600 relevant MCQs - Covers five advanced subjects including biochemistry, cell biology, developmental biology, genetics & molecular biology and immunology. - Simplified language and presentation of concepts - Answers to each question are provided

This MCQs eBook series in life sciences is, therefore, a handy reference for graduate and postgraduate students undertaking examinations or entrance tests as well as teachers or examiners involved in setting and controlling assessments in specific subjects in life sciences.


The academic challenges are currently taking a new turn with a combination of increasing volumes of content along with many putting in a significant effort to be in the forefront either in the regular course works or when competing in qualifying examinations. The performance of students in course works and candidates appearing for competitive/qualifying/entrance examinations/tests require instant recollection of right answers and expression of the same in minimum time. This is possible by being thorough in a particular subject and preparation purely from the performance point of view.

Many textbooks and reference material are currently available from a variety of sources for the student to understand theory concepts and practical aspects in any given subject. Understanding the needs of the students to perform well in examinations/tests, I thought it pertinent to make available all the possible, technically relevant questions in a few life-sciences areas. This approach, I thought should have only the Multiple Choice Questions as an easy reference and guide without the theory and practical text components.

This eBook, the MCQs series for life sciences, Volume I covers five important subjects of life sciences. These are Immunology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology Developmental Biology, Genetics and Molecular Biology. Each of the subject topic is segregated into different chapters aiming to make it easier for the students to focus and concentrate on specific theme, in accordance to their requirements. There are 2604 MCQs in this volume; 614, 736, 337, 319 and 601 MCQs in the Immunology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology and Genetics and Molecular Biology subjects respectively. Care was taken to cover the subjects comprehensively while avoiding redundancies across the subject areas. Thus, a concept presented in one chapter is not repeated at another instance. The language is simple as the main aim is to adopt a presentation form that is technically relevant and expressed in a simple manner. This is the reason for providing straight forward answers for all the MCQs.

I sincerely wish that this MCQs series will be useful for everyone to improve their performance in the regular course work examinations/tests as well as for those who are preparing for competitive/qualifying/entrance examinations/tests. I look forward to your feedback, comments and suggestions and reiterate that these will be very useful for taking this first edition to the next progressive level.

I have taken due care that there are no scientific errors in this eBook. In case any errors are detected the reader is requested to convey them to me at


There are several people to whom I am indebted, including my parents, my teachers and students. My special thanks to Prof. S. Krishnaswamy, Prof. Solomon F.D Paul and Shri. A.B. Viswanathan along with the entire T9 group. I thank the management of Sri Ramachandra University for their constant encouragement. I thank my wife Sujatha and my son Suraj for their patience and understanding. I finally acknowledge the immense inputs from Fariya Zulfiqar of Bentham eBooks and all the peer reviewers. This volume would not have taken this shape but for the professional inputs of the Bentham Science Publishers editorial team and the critical comments of the reviewers (whom I do not know).


The author confirms that this eBook contents have no conflict of interest.

Maddaly Ravi
Department of Human Genetics
Sri Ramachandra University, Porur
Chennai – 600 116
Tel: +91 98 41486363
Fax: +91 44 24767008