Editor: Feng R. Tang

Chemical-Induced Seizures: Mechanisms, Consequences and Treatment

eBook: US $24 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $110
Printed Copy: US $98
Library License: US $96
ISBN: 978-1-60805-600-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-274-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2011
DOI: 10.2174/97816080527451110101


Since the Tokyo Sarin Subway Attack, the threat of chemical warfare agents has migrated from the battlefield to become a major concern for homeland security in the 21st century. While current fielded antidotes are able to mitigate acute high mortality arising from exposure to nerve agents, achieving effective neuroprotection in subjects with nerve agent induced prolonged seizures or status epilepticus is currently lacking. To overcome this challenge, establishing an improved understanding on the mechanism linking seizure onset during chemical (including nerve agents) poisoning to the subsequent cascade of biochemical, neurotoxicological, pathophysiological, genomic and behavioral changes post exposure is vital. Due to ethical, safety and chemical surety related issues, looking for surrogate chemicals has also become important for chemical defense research. In this book, internationally well-known clinicians and basic research scientists with expertise on chemical-induced seizures will update readers on the relevant areas. Doctors (civil and military), paramedics and medical students will find this book informative and timely for the current battle against asymmetric terrorist conflicts.

Indexed in: Web of Science, Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, EBSCO


- Pp. i
Lionel Lee
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- Pp. ii
Feng Ru Tang, Weng Keong Loke
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iii-iv (2)
Feng Ru Tang, Weng Keong Loke
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Genetic, Molecular, Neuroanatomic, and Electrophysiologic Mechanisms of Chemically Induced Seizures

- Pp. 3-16 (14)
Ernest C. Lee, Stefanos N. Kales

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Seizures Associated with Warfare Nerve Agents: Pathophysiology, Clinical Symptoms and Supportive Interventions

- Pp. 17-28 (12)
Oleg Dolkart, Ron Ben-Abraham, Avi A Weinbroum

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Seizures and Other Neurological Symptoms Induced by Organophosphates,Including Warfare Nerve Agents

- Pp. 29-38 (10)
Adam-Scott Feiner, Bertrand Yersin, Andreas Stettbacher, Sergei Bankoul, Christophe Baumberger, Pierre-Nicolas Carron

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Organophosphate Toxicity Relating to Exposure Route and Type of Agent

- Pp. 39-48 (10)
Marloes J.A. Joosen, Marcel J. van der Schans, August B. Smit, Herman P.M. van Helden

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Therapeutic Effects of Drug Combinations Targeting Muscarinic and Adrenoreceptors during Soman Poisoning

- Pp. 49-66 (18)
Weng Keong Loke, Lai Kwan Ho

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Chemically Induced Experimental Models of Absence Epilepsy

- Pp. 67-79 (13)
Rezzan Gulhan Aker, Filiz Yilmaz Onat, Demet Kinay

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Kainic Acid Induced Seizures and Brain Damage: Mechanism and Relevant Therapeutic Approaches

- Pp. 80-88 (9)
Feng Ru Tang, Koichi Kato, Weng Keong Loke

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Pilocarpine and Nerve Agents Induced Seizures: Similarities and Differences

- Pp. 89-106 (18)
Feng Ru Tang, Koichi Kato, Weng Keong Loke

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- Pp. 107-108 (2)
Bentham Science Publishers
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