Author: Gennadi Gladyshev

Radiation Processes in Crystal Solid Solutions

eBook: US $34 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $148
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $136
ISBN: 978-1-60805-613-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-231-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2012
DOI: 10.2174/97816080523181120101


Radiation Processes In Crystal Solid Solutions is a monograph explaining processes occurring in two classes of crystal solids (metal alloys and doped alkali halides) under irradiation by various types of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, X-radiations, ions). While metal alloys may differ in high radiation stability, solid solutions based on alkali halides are very radiation-sensitive materials. Radiation defect production mechanisms, intrinsic and extrinsic radiation defects, a role of complexes an impurity-radiation defect which explain distinction in radiating stability of the specified classes of solid solutions are discussed in this e-book. To describe radiation induced phase transformations, two approaches are highlighted: kinetic and thermodynamic. This e-book also includes research on the effect of small radiation doses in a structurally solid phase state of a solution along with a semi-quantitative estimation of radiation effects with respect to temperature changes. This e-book should be a useful reference for advanced readers interested in the physics of radiation and solid state physics.


Interest in the effect of irradiation on the properties of constructional materials was appeared far back with the development of the first nuclear reactors. Since then, the experimental and theoretical studies of radiation destruction processes of pure and doped solid solutions began to develop intensively. As we know the main structural materials used in nuclear reactors, in the irradiation facilities and space exploration are metal alloys. Despite the relative simplicity of the crystal structure in metals the complex processes of formation and interaction of different types of defects under high-energy irradiation take place. Of the other substances such as, alkali metal halides have similar close-paced structure. However, the radiation resistance of metals and alkali halides is very different. The represented eBook provides a comprehensive overview of processes in these materials under the influence of radiation. A detailed description of the mechanisms of radiation defect formation and their evolution in alloys and doped alkali halides gives a clear picture of the radiation-stimulated processes and phenomena in these materials, and allows us to understand the reason for their different radiation resistance. The eBook contributes to the baggage of scientific knowledge about the effects of radiation on solid materials and represents great interest not only for the specialists in the field of radiation physics and radiation material, but may also be useful for students and teachers of higher educational institutions specializing in this area and related fields.

O. Yu. Begak
Prof., Dr.
Chief Scientist
Institute of Metrology of the DI Mendeleyev,
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


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