Editors: Giuseppe Santoro, Giuseppe Pacileo, Maria Giovanna Russo

New Insight in Pediatric Cardiology: From Basic to Therapeutics

eBook: US $89 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $176
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $356
ISBN: 978-1-60805-553-1 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-226-4 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2012
DOI: 10.2174/97816080522641120101


Congenital heart diseases are the most common neonatal malformations, ranging from 8 to 15/1000 live births in various communities. Improvement of knowledge in the genetic and etio-pathogenic aspects of these malformations as well as the technical advances of diagnostic and therapeutic tools have brought about a significant improvement in overall long-term patient outcome over the last few decades. This e-book is an update on the most recent genetic, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of this pediatric cardiology. Specifically, the book explains, in detail, recent acquisitions in the field of interaction between the genome and heart development, advances in diagnostic non-invasive techniques and novel therapeutic applications of the percutaneous and “hybrid” cardiologic/surgical procedures. These developments in diagnostics and therapeutics will be extremely valuable for both pediatric and adult cardiologists treating patients with congenital heart defects

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, Scopus, EBSCO.

Foreword By Ramon Bermudez-Canete

- Pp. i-ii (2)
Ramón Bermúdez-Cañete
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Foreword By Ziyad M. Hijazi

- Pp. iii- (1)
Ziyad M. Hijazi
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- Pp. iv- (1)
Giuseppe Santoro, Giuseppe Pacileo, Maria Giovanna Russo
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List of Contributors

- Pp. v-vii (3)
Giuseppe Santoro, Giuseppe Pacileo, Maria Giovanna Russo
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Genetics of Structural Congenital Heart Defects

- Pp. 3-25 (23)
Maria Cristina Digilio, Bruno Dallapiccola, Bruno Marino

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Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies: Clinical and Molecular Aspects in Children

- Pp. 26-65 (40)
Raffaella D’Alessandro, Giuseppe Limongelli, Paolo Calabrò, Valeria Maddaloni, Brunella Ziello, Fabio Fimiani, Giuseppe Pacileo, Raffaele Calabrò

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Pulmonary Hypertension in Children: Genetics, Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacogenetics

- Pp. 66-86 (21)
Valeria Maddaloni, Raffaella D’Alessandro, Paola Argiento, Paola Calabrò, Giuseppe Limongelli, Michele D’Alto, Maria Giovanna Russo, Raffaele Calabrò, Giuseppe Pacileo

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New Echocardiographic Techniques in Congenital Heart Disease

- Pp. 87-122 (36)
Biagio Castaldi, Luca Baldini, Giovanni Di Salvo, Giuseppe Pacileo, Maria Giovanna Russo, Raffaele Calabrò

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Congenital Heart Disease

- Pp. 123-152 (30)
Pierluigi Festa, Lamia Ait-Ali

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Trans-Catheter Treatment in Children and Adults with Congenital Heart Disease

- Pp. 153-187 (35)
Gianfranco Butera, Zakhia Saliba, Luciane Piazza, Massimo Chessa, Diana Negura, Angelo Micheletti, Carmelo Arcidiacono, Mario Carminati

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New Approach in Congenital Heart Diseases with Duct- Dependent Pulmonary Circulation: Trans-Catheter Arterial Duct Stenting

- Pp. 188-206 (19)
Giuseppe Santoro, Biagio Castaldi, Gianpiero Gaio, Maria Teresa Palladino, Carola Iacono, Raffaella Esposito, Giovanbattista Capozzi, Maria Giovanna Russo, Raffaele Calabrò

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Surgeons and Cardiologist Working Together in Interventions in Congenital Heart Disease

- Pp. 207-228 (22)
John D.R. Thomson, Shakeel A. Qureshi

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- Pp. 229-232 (4)
Giuseppe Santoro, Giuseppe Pacileo, Maria Giovanna Russo
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