Editors: Salvatore Magazù, Federica Migliardo

Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules by Neutron Scattering

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $123
Printed Copy: US $98
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-1-60805-334-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-219-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2011
DOI: 10.2174/97816080521961110101


Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules by Neutron Scattering provides insight into the study of the dynamics of biological macromolecules by neutron scattering techniques. The applicability of neutron scattering to expanding fields of biological studies is very extended and the neutron scattering community is interested in using these unique technologies to their best advantage. The book is focused on recent scientific results on biomolecular motions obtained by using neutron spectroscopy, and also discusses likely directions of future work on biological macromolecular systems while outlining some challenging, hitherto inaccessible problem areas. The Ebook should be very useful for biophysicists, biochemists, experts and non-experts in neutron scattering.


- Pp. i-ii (2)
Nikolay P. Malomuzh
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- Pp. iii
Salvatore Magazù, Federica Migliardo
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- Pp. iv-v (2)
Salvatore Magazù, Federica Migliardo
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SECTION I: Neutron Scattering as a Powerful Tool for Studying Biological Molecules and Processes

- Pp. 3
Salvatore Magazu, Federica Migliardo

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Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering - A Tool for the Study of Biological Molecules and Processes

- Pp. 4-21 (18)
Mark T.F. Telling

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Elastic Incoherent Neutron Scattering: Biomolecular Motion Characterization by Self-Distribution-Function Procedure

- Pp. 22-34 (13)
Salvatore Magazu, Federica Migliardo, Antonio Benedetto, Miguel A. Gonzalez, Claudia Mondelli

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SECTION II: Dynamics of Biological Molecules

- Pp. 35
Salvatore Magazu, Federica Migliardo

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Dynamics of Model Membranes

- Pp. 36-46 (11)
Francesca Natali, Marcus Trapp

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Protein/Hydration Water Dynamics in Hard Confinement: Dielectric Relaxations and Picoseconds Hydrogen Fluctuations

- Pp. 47-64 (18)
Giorgio Schirò, Antonio Cupane

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SECTION III: Extreme Environments and Bioprotection Mechanisms

- Pp. 65
Salvatore Magazu, Federica Migliardo

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Proteins in Amorphous Saccharides: Structural and Dynamical Insights on Bioprotection

- Pp. 66-78 (13)
Sergio Giuffrida, Grazia Cottone, Alessandro Longo, Lorenzo Cordone

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Sugar - Lipid Interactions: Structural and Dynamic Effects

- Pp. 79-84 (6)
Antonio Deriu, Maria Teresa Di Bari, Yuri Gerelli

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SECTION IV: Simulation and Complementary Spectroscopic Techniques

- Pp. 85
Salvatore Magazu, Federica Migliardo

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Studies of Biomacromolecules with Neutron Vibrational Spectroscopy

- Pp. 86-98 (13)
Stewart F. Parker

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Integration of Neutron Scattering with Computer Simulation to Study the Structure and Dynamics of Biological Systems

- Pp. 99-108 (10)
Jeremy C. Smith, Marimuthu Krishnan, Loukas Petridis, Nikolai Smolin

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Author Index

- Pp. 109
Salvatore Magazu, Federica Migliardo
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Subject Index

- Pp. 110-111 (2)
Salvatore Magazu, Federica Migliardo
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