Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry

Volume 1

eBook: US $44 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $377
Printed Copy: US $355
Library License: US $176
ISSN: 1567-2042 (Print)
ISSN: 1875-5763 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-672-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-204-2 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2004
DOI: 10.2174/97816080520421040101


Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry is a book series devoted to the review of areas of important topical interest to medicinal chemists and others in allied disciplines. Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry covers all the areas of medicinal chemistry, including developments in rational drug design, bioorganic chemistry, high-throughput screening, combinatorial chemistry, compound diversity measurements, drug absorption, drug distribution, metabolism, new and emerging drug targets, natural products, pharmacogenomics, chemoinformatics, and structure-activity relationships.

Medicinal chemistry as a discipline is rapidly maturing. The study of how structure and function are related is absolutely essential to understanding the molecular basis of life. Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry aims to contribute in a major way to the growth of scientific knowledge and insight, and facilitate the discovery and development of new therapeutic agents to treat debilitating human disorders. This book series is essential for any medicinal chemist who wishes to be kept informed and up-to-date with the latest and the most important advances.

Indexed in: Scopus, EMBASE, Scilit, Chemical Abstracts, EBSCO, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.


Medicinal Chemistry has matured as a discipline, and there is no better time than the present to be a medicinal chemist. One of the primary driving forces in this renaissance is the increased value added by collaborations with biology, pharmacology, toxicology, spectroscopy, and allied fields earlier in the drug discovery process. The modern practicing medicinal chemist is inundated with new data, including in vitro and in vivo ADME profiling, which enables informed decisions that increase the likelihood of success in the future. This first issue of Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry is being published only online, allowing for rapid and broad dissemination of the material presented. The chapters are selected from issues of Current Medicinal Chemistry, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry and Current Pharmaceutical Design to represent a cross-section of the most compelling subjects and developments in medicinal and bioorganic chemistry. The manuscripts and topics are clustered thematically, and overall constitute a substantial and impressive body of knowledge. The authors were given the opportunity to update their contributions, and many chose to do that. It is expected that Frontiers will be published on an annual basis in future years. Our thanks to Matthew Honan of Bentham Science Publishers for providing this opportunity.

Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman
Prof. M. Iqbal Choudhary
H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry
University of Karachi
Karachi 75270

Allen B. Reitz, Ph.D.
Cheryl P. Kordik, Ph.D.
Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical
Research and Development
Spring House, Pennsylvania 19477


.The Chemistry Inside Spices and Herbs: Research and Development.
.The Chemistry Inside Spices & Herbs: Research and Development.
.Botanicals and Natural Bioactives: Prevention and Treatment of Diseases.
.Frontiers In Medicinal Chemistry.