Author: Zhiguo Wang

MicroRNAs and Cardiovascular Disease

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $148
Printed Copy: US $118
Library License: US $236
ISBN: 978-1-60805-332-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-184-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2010
DOI: 10.2174/97816080518471100101


Micro RNAs (miRNAs) are known to play an important role in gene expression regulation. Owing to their ever-increasing implications in the control of various biological and pathological processes, miRNAs have now been considered novel biomarkers of various human diseases including, cancer, viral disease, cardiovascular disorders, metabolic disturbances, etc. Unique expression profiles have been associated with specific pathological states.

Cardiovascular disease is among the main causes of mortality in developed countries. The pathological process of the heart is associated with altered expression profile of genes that are important for cardiac function. The implications of miRNAs in the pathological process of the cardiovascular system have recently been recognized, and the research on miRNAs in relation to cardiovascular disease is now in rapid progress. The aim of this ebook is to present updated research on the subject with analyses from published reports. Micro RNAs and Cardiovascular Disease caters to the growing interest and information needs of cardiac clinicians and gene expression researchers.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, BIOSIS Previews, Scopus, EBSCO.


Cardiovascular disease has been the major cause of death of human beings; fighting this number one killer has been an endless endeavor of physicians and scientists worldwide. Armed with updated knowledge and improved technology is a basic requirement for wining the fight. In the past few years, we have witnessed rapid evolution of a novel scientific field: micro RNA (miRNA) has entered the macro world of heart. Several milestones in this field are identified. In the year 2005, Srivastava’s group reported a critical requirement of miRNAs to cardiac development, being the first documentation of miRNA function in mammalian heart. In 2006, Olsen’s group demonstrated the causative involvement of miRNAs in cardiac hypertrophy; representing the starting point of miRNA research in adult heart. This was followed by another six original papers on the same topic in 2007. The third milestone is the discovery, by the collaborative effort from Wang’s laboratory and my laboratory, of miRNAs as regulators of cardiac excitability and the associated arrhythmogenesis and sudden cardiac death. To date, more than 400 original research papers on the role of miRNAs in cardiovascular physiology and pathology have been published and new discoveries in this field are now published on weekly basis. We have already had a wealth of information about miRNAs in cardiovascular function and disease and the interest in this subject is still rapidly increasing. There is apparently an urgent need to have a systematic summary of these research data beyond single review articles.

The book, microRNAs and Cardiovascular Disease, written by Dr. Zhiguo Wang aims to provide such a summary, which is just timely and necessary. In this book, readers can find comprehensive reviews of diverse subjects related to miRNAs and the cardiovascular system, literature-exhausting collection of currently available data, up-to-date knowledge of potential pathophysiological implications, insightful and thoughtful analysis of existing questions and problems, etc. The book contains 18 chapters with the first two chapters on the basics of miRNAs and expression profiles of miRNAs in the cardiovascular system and the rest each focusing on a particular aspect of cardiovascular physiology and pathology and on the relevant technologies. The book, therefore, can be used as a reference book for researchers and professionals or as a textbook for university students.

Baofeng Yang, MD, PhD
Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering
Professor, Department of Pharmacology
President, Harbin Medical University


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