Editor: Herman Cheung

Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine

eBook: US $32 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $144
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ISBN: 978-1-60805-697-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-008-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2010
DOI: 10.2174/97816080500861100101


The potential use of stem cells in transplantation for the purpose of tissue regeneration is an exciting area of research currently undergoing rapid development. Implantation of human embryonic or autologous, ex vivo-expanded adult stem cells, particularly in older individuals, could circumvent the limited availability of organs/tissues as well as prevent complications related to immune rejection and disease transmission. Musculoskeletal tissue degeneration is closely associated with aging. Strategies employing autologous adult MSCs from older individuals for transplantation in order to regenerate their own ailing organ or tissues require that we vigorously define MSCs capacity to maintain growth potential and differentiation potential into the desirable cell lineages. We are currently restricted by the limited knowledge about physical parameters, such as biomechanical forces, that influence MSC growth and differentiation capacities. This is particularly important for MSCs isolated from older individuals, for whom little information is available. This special volume aims to serve as an impetus in generating more interest among stem cell researchers and biotechnologists to improve and develop the cell-based therapies of damaged tissue using stem cells.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, BIOSIS Previews, Scopus, EBSCO.


- Pp. i
Joshua M. Hare
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- Pp. ii-v (4)
Herman S. Cheung
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- Pp. vi-ix (4)
Herman S. Cheung
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Justice and Vulnerability in Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

- Pp. 1-8 (8)
Isaac H. Ritter, Robin N. Fiore, Kenneth W. Goodman

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Stem Cells and their Contribution to Tissue Repair

- Pp. 9-22 (14)
Carmen Rios, Elisa Garbayo, Lourdes A. Gomez, Kevin Curtis, Gianluca D`’Ippolito, Paul C. Schiller

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The Role of Microenvironment Stromal Cells in Regenerative Medicine

- Pp. 23-28 (6)
Ian McNiece, Joshua Hare

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The Role of Mechanical Forces on Stem Cell Growth and Differentiation

- Pp. 29-39 (11)
Daniel Pelaez, Jason R. Fritz, Herman S. Cheung

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Functional Cartilage Tissue Engineering with Adult Stem Cells: Current Status and Future Directions

- Pp. 40-64 (25)
Alice H. Huang, Clark T. Hung, Robert L. Mauck

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Therapeutic Angiogenesis for Coronary Artery Disease: Clinical Trials of Proteins, Plasmids, Adenovirus and Stem Cells

- Pp. 65-74 (10)
Keith A. Webster

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Use of Progenitor Cells in Pain Management

- Pp. 75-99 (25)
M.J. Eaton, Stacey Quintero Wolfe, Eva Widerström-Noga

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Neural Stem Cells: New Hope for Successful Therapy

- Pp. 100-119 (20)
Denis English, Akshay Anand, Rama S.Verma, Stefan Glück

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Diabetes and Stem Cells

- Pp. 120-139 (20)
Juan Domínguez-Bendala, Camillo Ricordi

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Stem Cells in Dentistry

- Pp. 140-148 (9)
Li Wu Zheng, Lim Kwong Cheung

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Corneal Progenitor Cells and Regenerative Potential

- Pp. 149-159 (11)
Gary Hin-Fai Yam, Sharon Ka-Wai Lee, Chi Pui Pang

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- Pp. 160
Herman S. Cheung
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.Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research, Vol. 11.
.Stem Cells in Clinical Application and Productization.
.Stem Cell Delivery Routes: From Preclinical Models to Clinical Applications.
.The Regeneration Promise: The Facts behind Stem Cell Therapies.