Editor: Viroj Wiwanitkit

Update in Infectious Diseases

eBook: US $21 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $69
Printed Copy: US $58
Library License: US $84
ISSN: 1877-5675 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-112-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-005-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2009
DOI: 10.2174/97816080500551090101


Infectious diseases represent an important group of medical disorder. This is still a public health problem for all countries around the world and the leading course of death. There are many epidemics of new emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases at present and this warrants the necessity to update our knowledge on infectious diseases. This requires fighting infectious diseases with new and more powerful and safer drugs as well as collaboration between health care workers and non-health care workers are required. The construction of the knowledge exchange via the Ebook series can be useful. The series of Ebooks in this area can be an invaluable integrated source of knowledge for experts and workers on several facets of infectious diseases.

Indexed in: Scopus, EBSCO, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.


Infectious disease is an important group of medical disorder. This is still a public health problem for all countries around the world. It is still the leading course of death. There are many epidemics of new emerging and remerging infectious diseases at present and this warrants the necessity to update our knowledge on infectious diseases. Fighting up with infectious diseases, collaboration between health care workers and non health care workers is required. The construction of the knowledge exchange via the E-book series can be useful. The series of E-book on this area can be the integrated source of knowledge among the experts and workers on several facets of infectious diseases. This is the first volume of the series containing the articles relating to the situation in Thailand, a country with a center of excellence for tropical medicine.

Viroj Wiwanitkit
Wiwanitkit House
Bangkhae, Bangkok


.Emerging Approaches to Tackle Neglected Diseases: From Molecule to End Product.
.COVID 19 – Monitoring with IoT Devices.
.Recent Advances in the Application of Marine Natural Products as Antimicrobial Agents.
.Recent Trends and The Future of Antimicrobial Agents - Part 2.